Back Being Roma and LGBTI: at the crossroads of discrimination

Call for Participants
Being Roma and LGBTI: at the crossroads of discrimination

Stigmatisation and exclusion are worsened for young women, disabled persons and LGBTI members of the Roma community, leading to an even more dire situation for these “minorities within minorities” exposed to multiple forms of discrimination. LGBTI persons in particular, including LGBTI youth, too often face rejection by their families and communities that disapprove of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and are faced with higher risks of violence and discrimination, be it at home, school, work or from the institutions. LGBTI persons have often been portrayed by the media as a threat to the nation, to religion, and to the traditional notions of gender and family. The invisibility and the public reprisals are even more pronounced in the case of Roma LGBTI.

Building on these transversal Council of Europe initiatives, the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Unit #SOGI, the SRSG for Roma - Support Team and the Youth Department - Council of Europe are organising a 3 day event in Strasbourg, France, on 8-10 June 2017

In order to apply, interested candidates must fill an on-line Application Form by 19 May 2017, at 18:00 Central European Time. The organisers will select up to 30 participants on the basis of the perceived quality of their applications while securing balances between various types and of organisations and their locations in the Council of Europe member States.

For more informtion please visits the event page.

The call for applications is availble here.

On line application form

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