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Diploma ceremony of the School of Political Studies

The Academy of Political Studies (ASP) awarded today at an official ceremony the certificates of completion of the academic year 2014 for the participants of its programme "The Albanian School of Political Studies". Twenty students graduated successfully after completing a one-year period of study. The ASP’s staff awarded the diplomas to the eighth generation of participants to the programme in the presence of the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana Mr Marco Leidekker and the Swiss Ambassador Mr Christof Graf.  

The aim of the programme is to gather and to train in the field of leadership and democracy leaders from different political forces, the public administration and local government, civil society and the media.

In his speech, Mr Leidekker said - "We support this programme not only for your personal formation, but also for Albania and the future of its citizens. We believe that each one of you can play a role to the European future of Albania. For, privileges come with responsibility".

While, the Swiss Ambassador Mr Graf said - "The priorities of the Swiss Government toward Albania focus on the decentralization and democratization of local government. Your school is a good ground to support these areas. I encourage you to be ambitious and to engage in the future. Use the opportunity to contribute to the positive change of your country and its European integration".

In conclusion, the Director of the Academy of Political Studies Mr Erjon Tase said - "I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the Council of Europe and the Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania. I assure you that the investment in the expansion of knowledge and understanding among the younger generations is the best help for the future of our country and the world that we want to build".

Following the opening remarks, the floor was given to two of the graduated students for their testimonies. The event was closed with the award of diplomas and a reception.

The School of Political Studies was established by the Council of Europe and is currently supported by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Albania. Every year, a new generation of politicians and actors who work or aspire to work in a public function, enter the school and graduate. As in other schools in the region - established by the Council of Europe - ASP aims the elite wishing to include the values of dialogue, transparency and consensus among the political leadership of the future.

Tirana 05/02/2015
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Albania became member of the Council of Europe on 13 July 1995. Following its accession, a Council of Europe presence headed by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe was established in Albania, and succeeded, in June 2003, by the establishment of the Information Office of the Council of Europe. Since January 2011, a Council of Europe Office in Tirana is set up as a new institutional form of co-operation.

As representative of the Secretary General in Albania, the Office works to promote the Council of Europe values and standards pertaining to human rights, rule of law and democracy. It facilitates the effective co-operation between the various Council of Europe bodies located in its Headquarters in Strasbourg and the domestic and international partner institutions in Albania.

The work of the Council of Europe in Albania is dedicated to assisting the Albanian authorities to continue bringing the Albanian legislation, its institutional practices and policies fully in line with its obligations stemming from its Council of Europe membership.

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