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Back Training of Trainers for police staff on Prevention and Combating of Torture and Ill-treatment

Training of Trainers for police staff on Prevention and Combating of Torture and Ill-treatment

Training of Trainers (ToT) course on “Preventing and Combating Torture and Ill-treatment: International and National Legal Aspects and Practices” was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe project “Support to Criminal Justice Reforms to the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the Government of Denmark. The activity was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova (MIA).

The objective of the ToT course was to prepare 17 trainers from the staff members of the MIA who would deliver further trainings to their peers on the topic of preventing and combating torture and ill-treatment in police inspectorates.  

The ToT course consisted of two parts. The first part was devoted to adult learning methodology, which was delivered on 27 June and 1 July. During this part the participants were trained on adult learning principles, learning stages and effective planning methods of a training session.

The second, substantial part of the ToT was held in the period of 28 – 30 June. It covered topics related to international and national legal aspects and the good practices on preventing and combating torture and ill-treatment. During three-day training session participants received rich theoretical and practical knowledge, solved practical exercises and exchanged views and experiences.

The ToT course will be followed by cascade trainings in the regions of Moldova and in Chisinau, covering staff members from all Moldovan police inspectorates.

The ToT course falls within one of the objectives of the project “Support to Criminal Justice Reforms to the Republic of Moldova”: Developing institutional capacity for adopting regulatory guarantees, implementing strategies and action plans aimed at preventing and ensuring remedial action in cases of ill-treatment

Chisinau 27.06.2016
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 Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova

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The Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau is Falk LangeRead more >>

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