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Back Study visit of representatives of the Directorate of the Government Agent of the Republic of Moldova before the ECtHR to the CoE HQ

Study visit of representatives of the Directorate of the Government Agent of the Republic of Moldova before the ECtHR to the CoE HQ

On 14-16 November, 2016 a study visit of representatives of the Directorate of the Government Agent of the Republic of Moldova before the ECtHR took place in the CoE HQ in Strasbourg. The study visit was organised within the CoE project “Support to criminal justice reforms in the Republic of Moldova” funded by the Danish Government.

The visit aimed to provide participants with enhancing their knowledge on the procedures of the state representation at the ECtHR and procedure of execution of ECtHR judgments as supervised by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

During the visit the participants, including the Interim Governmental Agent, had the opportunity to discuss with Moldovan lawyers at the ECtHR the evolving and complex issues emerging in the process of drafting observations on particular cases. The procedures related to the CoE monitoring mechanism on execution of ECtHR judgments against the Republic of Moldova were thoroughly presented and discussed with the Execution Department of the CoE. In this context, a training session on drafting action plans and reports was provided. On the third day of the study visit the Moldovan delegation had the possibility to get acquainted with the procedures of the ECtHR by attending the hearing of the Grand Chamber in the case Lopes de Sousa Fernandes v. Portugal (no. 56080/13).

A bilateral meeting of the Interim Governmental Agent of the Republic of Moldova and the Section Registrar , Mr. Stanley Naismith and Deputy Section Registrar of the Section 2 of the ECtHR, Mr. Hasan Bakirci was organised.

The study visit complemented other capacity building activities held for the Office of the Government Agent of the Republic of Moldova before the ECtHR to strengthen their capacities, aiming at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of representation before the ECtHR and execution of the ECtHR judgments with respect to in a long-term perspective.

Strasbourg 14-16 Novermber 2016
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 Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova

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The Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau is Falk LangeRead more >>

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