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Back Reporting Local Finance Benchmarking workshop (II phase)

Reporting Local Finance Benchmarking workshop (II phase)


The Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform withing Good Governance Division, DG-II launched Local Finance Benchmarking activity in Armenia in 2015. As a result the Council of Europe toolkit has been adjusted to local needs in 2016 and the II phase of piloting has been carried out in first half of 2017. The Reporting LFB worshop was held on 4 July 2017 in Yerevan.

As a consecvence, 7 pilot activities were reported and feed-back obtained. LFD&I database and web-application were presented and decided that Finance Community Officers Association (CFOA) would pilot and adjust the web-application by the end of 2017. Then the adjusted soft and database shall be handled to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of Armenia. As well as there was decided extension of LFB piloting (III phase) in new 8 municipalities starting since July 2017.

A range of meetings with grantees’ representatives and inter-municipal cooperation experts were hold to discuss the state of implementation of IMC initiatives. Prospective implementation of IMC initiatives was discussed with a mayor of Tegh community.


Thus, overall goals of these events were fully realised and the results of on-going activities could help Armenian authorities to foster implemention of the territorial reform in Armenia, which is on its way.


The event was organized as a part of the programme "Strengthening Institutional Frameworks for Local Governance in the Eastern Partnership countries" under the Partnership for Good Governance (former PCF) for 2015-2017 funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Council of Europe.

Yerevan, Armenia 4 July 2017
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