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Judicial Ethics in Turkey: legal professionals and civil society provide inputs to EU/Council of Europe projec

Judicial Ethics in Turkey: legal professionals and civil society provide inputs to EU/Council of Europe project

In the framework of the project on “Strengthening the Judicial Ethics in Turkey”, co-funded by the EU, Turkey and the Council of Europe, three preparatory workshops were held on 19 April 2016, in Ankara, co-organized by the Council of Europe and the Turkish High Council for Judges and Prosecutors.

The workshops aimed at conducting a first analysis of the main needs and concerns with regard to judicial ethics and provided the opportunity to the participants, including judges and prosecutors from high and regional courts, lawyers, academicians and NGOs representatives to review the project and to meet with experts in order to contribute with their inputs to the implementation of the planned activities.

The workshop was opened by the Deputy President of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, Hâkimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu. Experts presented the activities planned under the project, relevant international standards on judicial ethics; key questions faced by countries considering adopting ethical codes and relationships between ethics and professional ethics. Participants were then invited to fill a questionnaire on the issues they consider most critical with regard to judicial ethics. During the workshops, participants also had the opportunity to discuss various aspects related to impartiality, independence, propriety and equality principles of judicial ethics with a view to identifying relevant issues and challenges to be addressed through the project.

Ankara 19 April 2016
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