Contenidos con etiqueta economic crisis .


Human Rights Comment

Keeping the promise: ending poverty and inequality

24/07/2018 Strasbourg

Poverty and inequality are closely interlinked. People living in poverty are much more likely to be relegated to low-income work, poor housing, and inadequate health care, as well as to experience unemployment and face barriers to lifelong learning. Being born into a low-income household often...

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Country visit

Greece: immediate action needed to protect human rights of migrants

29/06/2018. Athens, Greece

“The humanity and hospitality that Greece’s people and authorities demonstrated towards migrants in recent years is truly commendable. In spite of these efforts, however, the situation remains worrying and much more needs to be done to protect the human rights of those who have had to flee their...

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Visit to Greece

Greece: progress in combating racism, but concerns remain about the impact of austerity

08/07/2016 Athens

“I welcome the government’s efforts to combat racism and homophobia in Greece. The 2014 anti-racism law has consolidated the legislative framework and provided useful tools to prosecutors and police officers. However, much more is needed in order to bring this law to life and to further enhance...

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Country visit report

Cyprus should enhance refugee protection and alleviate effects of austerity measures on human rights

31/03/2016 Strasbourg

Read the report “Despite some progress made in immigration law and policy, Cyprus’ asylum system still suffers from a number of shortcomings that need to be urgently redressed”, said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing a report based on his...

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End of visit

Cyprus: More efforts needed to protect migrants and victims of economic crisis

11/12/2015 Nicosia

“The readiness of Cyprus to receive asylum seekers in the context of the EU relocation scheme is promising. However, I remain seriously concerned about the grave shortcomings of the national asylum system. The authorities need to redouble their efforts to improve reception conditions and fully...

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Human Rights Comment

Preserving Europe's social model

13/10/2014 Strasbourg

PRESERVING EUROPE’S SOCIAL MODEL As we enter the 7th year of the economic crisis, the end is not yet in sight. Worse, in most countries, the adoption of austerity measures has so far contributed little to recovery, but has exacerbated the dire living conditions of millions of people. Not...

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Human Rigths Comment

Maintain universal access to health care

07/08/2014 Strasbourg

Universal access to health care has been undermined by austerity measures and the economic crisis. Cuts in health services and difficult economic and social conditions are beginning to have a measurable impact on the health of the population in many countries. Yet the right to health is...

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Human Rights Comments

Protect women’s rights during the crisis

10/07/2014 Strasbourg

Women and men entered the economic crisis on an unequal footing. The crisis and resulting austerity measures have hit women disproportionately and endangered the progress already made in the enjoyment of human rights by women. A gender-sensitive response is necessary to halt and reverse this...

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Human Rights Comment

Youth human rights at risk during the crisis

03/06/2014 Strasbourg

Young people have been one of the groups hardest hit by the economic crisis in Europe, with youth unemployment being the most common pathology of many countries implementing austerity measures. However, it is not only the social and economic rights of young people that are being undermined, but...

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Publication of an Issue Paper

Austerity measures across Europe have undermined human rights

04/12/2013 Strasbourg

"Many governments in Europe imposing austerity measures have forgotten about their human rights obligations, especially the social and economic rights of the most vulnerable, the need to ensure access to justice, and the right to equal treatment. Regrettably, international lenders have also...

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Safeguarding Human Rights under Austerity

"Safeguarding Human Rights under Austerity". Introductory Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. Conference "Strengthening fundamental rights protection together in a changing human rights landscape" Read the speech CommDHSpeech(2013)9

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The Future of Human Rights Protection in Europe

The Future of Human Rights Protection in Europe. Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, at the 25th anniversary of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, The Hague, 25 January 2013 Read the speech CommDH/Speech(2013)1

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The CEPEJ: 10 years of concrete action to improve the efficiency and quality of the functioning of courts for the sake of their users

The CEPEJ: 10 years of concrete action to improve the efficiency and quality of the functioning of courts for the sake of their users. Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the CEPEJ. (Strasbourg, 6 December 2012)....

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Video message : "Children's rights are threatened by austerity measures"

[18 June 2012] "Children's rights are threatened by austerity measures". Video message by Nils Muižnieks addressing a meeting hosted by the Council of Europe Task Force on children's rights Video message

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Human Rights Comment

National Human Rights Structures can help mitigate the effects of austerity measures

31/05/2012 Strasbourg

Effective protection of human rights at national level requires good laws and efficient judiciaries – but also strong, independent national human rights structures (NHRSs). This need is especially evident in times of crisis and austerity. NHRSs – independent commissions, general or specialised...

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Human Rights Comment

Austerity budgets tend to victimise the most vulnerable

14/06/2011 Strasbourg

Radical austerity measures have been introduced in several European countries. Although governments have stated they will try to minimise the negative social impacts, it is already clear that there have been - and will be further – serious consequences for the most vulnerable groups: the very...

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