Protecting, developing and enhancing academic integrity in general is the second theme for action, with a particular focus to the issue of plagiarism.

Higher education has indeed its own particularities and potential risks, from the number of students, which has grown over the years, to the competition for resources and prestige places, which increases pressure on higher education institutions and staff.

Best Practice Programme in Promoting Academic Integrity”.

“Based on the ETINED principles, the aim of the programme is to identify, publicly recognise and disseminate relevant practices in promoting academic integrity throughout higher education institutions in Europe”.


The following activities are proposed for 2015-2017:

Based on the results of the IPPHEAE European Union-funded project on the “Comparison of policies for academic integrity in higher education across the European Union”, which was restricteded to EU countries, a further study could be extended to the 50 States Parties to the European Cultural Convention. The study would identify and analyse policies and practices used in different parts of Europe.

Several universities are already using specific programmes to build competences and skills for students and are fostering a positive approach towards academic integrity, and exchanges of best practices could be encouraged.

Another activity under this priority line would be the organisation of a specific seminar on plagiarism, which could be held in 2016. One possible aim of the seminar could be to show that different attitudes towards plagiarism coexist in Europe and that approaches differ from one Member State to another.

Main expected outcomes:

  1. Presentation of the concrete approaches taken by universities to address the challenge;
  2. Drafting of guidelines together with measurement indexes;
  3. Promotion of capacity building in higher education institutions to evaluate plagiarism.

Target groups

The main target group for this priority action would be academic staff, researchers and students.