Back Electoral education becomes user-friendlier and more accessible in the Republic of Moldova

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Electoral education becomes user-friendlier and more accessible in the Republic of Moldova

A new E-learning platform was presented and discussed by the representatives of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova (CEC), the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (Training Centre), a representative of the Council of Europe and a team of local consultants during teleconference on 13 October 2020.

The aim of the meeting was to bring out functionalities and capacities of the new electronic tool, get representative of the Training Centre well acquainted with the tool and coordinate closely a testing path.

Due to this electronic tool the electoral courses are becoming more accessible for all interested persons, the representatives of the electoral management bodies, of the social society, first-time voters, journalists, observers etc. Consequently, everyone will be able to enroll themselves into different courses via E-learning platform within the Training Centre and due to interconnection with the electronic Register of trained and certified experts by the Training Centre get an official certificate, if they completed successfully the relevant electoral course.

Dr Doina Bordeianu, head of the Training Centre mentioned the E-learning module is quite user-friendly and more reliable than the old one. The beneficiary institution has appointed an administrator in charge of E-tool and going to start piloting it in upcoming weeks.

To this end, it was agreed that the Council of Europe’s developers would provide in-house training for the administrator and even second him with processing real-time requests concerning registering for certain courses, as well as allowing access to trainers to upload their courses.

It is worth mentioning, that showing the application gave a raise to some sensible questions, like the right of the trainer to step back at later stage and amend their already saved documents with or without permission from the administrator, as well as developing of the Manual with guidelines for administrator.

The activity is funded and implemented by the Council of Europe within the on-going project “Improving electoral practice in the Republic of Moldova”.

Online 13 October 2020
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