Programme with, where available, links to the speeches and presentations


Tuesday 24 October 2017

9.30     Registration of participants

“Good Practices circuit”

10.30   Opening session

Ms Gabriella BATTAINI-DRAGONI, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Ambassador Emil RUFFER, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe, Czech Republic


Baroness Doreen MASSEY, Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Children, Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, United Kingdom


Mr Claude JANIZZI, Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee, Luxembourg


11.00   Session 1: The Lanzarote Convention: making a world of difference! 

Moderator:     Baroness Doreen MASSEY, Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on Children, Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, The United Kingdom

A witness:      Ms Maud DE BOER-BUQUICCHIO, UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children. Former Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe

“From denial to concerted action”. Genesis and negotiation, strengths and weaknesses of the Lanzarote Convention, added value at national and UN level.

Mr Eric RUELLE, Magistrate, Inspecteur général de la justice, former Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee (2011-2014), France

“Driving for change: the first challenges of the Lanzarote Committee”. Changes in legislation, child friendly justice.

Presentation (in French only)

Ms Marja RUOTANEN, Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Sport Values, Directorate General of Democracy (DG II), Council of Europe

“The impact of the Lanzarote Convention”.


Ms Elena RAPTI, Parliamentarian, Greece

“The ONE in FIVE Campaign in Greece”. Value and impact at national level.


PowerPoint Presentation


12.45   Lunch break and “Good practices circuit”

14.15   Session 2: Making the “circle of trust” the safest world for children

Moderator:     Mr George NIKOLAIDIS, Director, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Greek Institute of Child Health, Greece

Witness:         Ms Gloria VISERAS, Former child Olympic athlete, Spain

“The Voices Project”. Giving a voice to victims and survivors of sexual abuse of children in sport, specificities of abuse in the context of elite sport, whistle blowers, screening of professionals working with children and statute of limitations

Mr Bragi GUÐBRANDSSON, General Director, Government Agency for Child Protection, Iceland

“Towards an integrated and child-centred response to child sexual abuse”. The impact and experiences across Europe in setting up children’s houses, child-friendly support and justice, multidisciplinary cooperation.

PowerPoint Presentation

Ms Pepa HORNO, Psychologist and consultant on childhood, affection and protection, Consultoría Espirales, Spain

“Strengthening the circle of trust”. Empowering children, parents and professionals working with them, breaking taboos everywhere.



16.00   Coffee break and “Good practices circuit”

16.30   Session 3: Trust without borders: Protecting migrant and refugee children from sexual exploitation and abuse

Moderator:     Mr Tomáš BOČEK, Special Representative of the Council of Europe’s Secretary General on Migration and Refugees

Introductory words

Witness:         Ms Kristina MARKU, Child Protection Coordinator, Hope for Children CRC Policy Center, Cyprus

“Receiving children affected by the refugee crisis”. First-hand experience, key challenges.

Ms Christel DE CRAIM, Head of Service ad interim, Service for Criminal Policy, Ministry of Justice, Belgium

“Protecting children affected by the refugee crisis from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse”. Main outcomes of the special report of the Lanzarote Committee, other Council of Europe efforts.


Mr Gert WESTERVEEN, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative to the European Institutions in Strasbourg

“Putting children at the heart of global efforts”. Children’s vulnerability to violence at global level, global context and mobilisation, end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against children (Goal 16.2 of Agenda 2030).



18.00   End of the first day

Wednesday 25 October 2017

9.00     Session 4: Protecting and empowering children in the digital world

Moderator:     Mr Ignacio ORIVE, CEO of Brands & Rights 360, founder of NGO “Pequeño Deseo”, Spain

Witness:         Ms Ally REDA, Activist and survivor of online grooming, Canada

“Behind the webcam: the on-going journey of a survivor of sexual exploitation”. Specificities of abuse of victim-generated content, social pressure, victim support and resilience issues.

Mr Niels BAAS, University teacher and author of a book for parents and teachers to deal with bullying, sexting and grooming, The Netherlands

“My experience in the online world”. Understanding children’s new reality, communicating with children and helping them to overcome violence.



10.15   Coffee break and “Good practices circuit”

10.45   Session 4 (continued): Protecting and empowering children in the digital world

Ms Ina VERZIVOLLI, Chair of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF), Albania

“Towards comprehensive Guidelines for Council of Europe member States to empower, protect and support children’s safe access to their rights on the Internet”. The work of the Drafting Group of Specialists on Children and the Digital Environment (CAHENF-IT).


Ms Gioia SCAPPUCCI, Executive Secretary of the Lanzarote Committee

“The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICTs)”. The Lanzarote Committee’s 2nd monitoring round.



12.00   Conclusions and closing remarks

Mr Claude JANIZZI, Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee, Luxembourg


Ms Marja RUOTANEN, Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Sport Values, Directorate General of Democracy (DG II), Council of Europe

Closing remarks