Sortir la Moldova de l’ornière

10 août 2015 The New York Times / International

STRASBOURG, France — La République de Moldova, tout petit pays de seulement 3,5 millions d’habitants, risque de devenir le théâtre de la prochaine crise sécuritaire en Europe, ce qui pourrait avoir des répercussions bien au‑delà de ses frontières. Ex-République soviétique prise en sandwich entre...

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Britain can be at the heart of a torture-free Europe

Tuesday 3 March 2015 The Guardian

In an Austrian prison 25 years ago, a team of foreign monitors heard repeatedly from prisoners who had been beaten in police custody. Over an eight-day period, serious abuse was exposed in a country where few had imagined it. Protections were subsequently put in place – and Europe’s anti-torture...

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Why We Are Setting Up a European Roma Institute

March 26, 2015. European Voice

For more than four decades Europe’s Roma community have wanted to establish an institution that would give their music, art, and unique traditions their own stage. Across the continent, such bodies exist to celebrate an array of cultures, nationalities, and identities. Yet there is nothing of...

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