Il n’y a qu’en Europe que la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'Homme a été prise au sérieux

5 novembre 2010 (''Toute l'Europe'')

Toute l'Europe : Hier, on commémorait le 60ème anniversaire de la signature de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme. Que s'est-il passé pendant ces 60 années ? Quel en est le bilan ? Que reste-t-il faire ? Thorbjørn Jagland : La mise en œuvre de la Convention est assurée par la Cour...

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Finally One Europe without dividing lines?

30 août 2010 (''New Europe'') version anglaise

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe outlines the progressive accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights, it may still take a while 1950-2010: sixty years of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Europe. This year we celebrate the 60th birthday of the...

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Banning the burqa compromises the very principles that we value

7 juillet 2010 (''The Independent'') version anglaise

No woman should be forced to wear religious apparel by her community or family. Nobody should be forced to go to any kind of house of prayer. We say no to oppressive doctrines or laws which limit the freedom of individuals. The European Convention on Human Rights is the basis for our rights and...

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We must look deeper for Europe's future

4 juillet 2010 (''New Europe'') version anglaise

Europe's human rights landscape is about to change. The accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights, made possible by the Lisbon Treaty, will complete a cycle begun at the end of the second world war when human rights visionaries, such as French lawyer and Nobel...

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Spectres of inhumanity

29 juin 2010 (''The Guardian'') version anglaise

New hatreds are surfacing in Europe. The economic crisis cannot be an excuse to walk over human rights Europe's human rights landscape is about to change. The accession of the EU to the European convention on human rights, made possible by the Lisbon treaty, will complete a cycle begun at the end...

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La discrimination pour des motifs d’orientation sexuelle ou d’identité de genre doit être reléguée au rang de l’histoire

17 mai 2010 / 31 mai 2010 (''Metro magazine'', Poland; ''Têtu'', France / ''New Europe'')

Le 17 mai est la Journée mondiale contre l'homophobie. L'Europe a vu les droits des personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT) progresser de manière importante, mais il reste encore beaucoup à faire. En mars, les représentants des 47 pays membres de la plus vieille organisation...

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65 years of humanity and a new Europe

11 mai 2010 (''Kommersant'') version anglaise

By Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe I would like to use the opportunity of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in Europe day to express the deepest gratitude to the soldiers and people of the then Soviet Union for their sacrifice and heroism. They made a decisive...

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L'expression emprisonnée ?

3 mai 2010 / 10 mai 2010 (''The Guardian''/''New Europe')

Alors que nous allons célébrer, le 3 mai, la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, nous voyons la liberté d'expression menacée un peu partout dans le monde. En ma qualité de Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l'Europe, je suis convaincu que la liberté d'expression est au coeur de nos valeurs...

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Europe speaks back

29 mars 2010 (''Time'') version anglaise

Europe is hardly shrinking. The European project is far from perfect and the E.U. currently faces many challenges, from bolstering the euro, to creating a stronger presence in the international political arena. But I take issue with the article's premise that Europe is absent from the world stage...

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