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    Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut : N/A Voir le profil légal

Politiques / stratégies en matière de cybercriminalité

Presidential Decree 129/2019 (Despacho Presidencial 129/19) approves the Livro Branco das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação 2019 – 2022 (Livro Branco das TIC, see also:, which constitutes Angola’s policy paper for the ICT sector. The White Paper commits once more to setting up the national CERT (Centro de Estudos Respostas e Tratamento de Incidentes Informático).

Decreto Presidencial n.º 166/20 (12 June 2020) provides the updated organic statute of the Ministério das Telecomunicações, Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação Social (MINTTICS, Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Media). The statute provides for the establishment of a Direcção Nacional de Políticas de Cibersegurança e Serviços Digitais (National Directorate of Cybersecurity Policies and Digital Services) whose main function is the development of policies and norms on cybersecurity, Internet privacy and data security.

The Angolan Government has drafted its first Estratégia Nacional de Cibersegurança (Oct 2021), but does not appear to have a cybercrime strategy.

Institutions spécialisées

  • Polícia Nacional: the two relevant directorates in Angola’s National Police are the Direção de Intercâmbio e Cooperação (Directorate of Exchange and Cooperation) and the Direcção de Telecomunicações e Tecnologias de Informação (DTTI, Directorate of Telecommunications and Information Technologies);
  • Serviço de Investigação Criminal (SIC, Criminal Investigation Service) is the central executive body of the Ministério do Interior (MININT, Ministry of Interior) which carries both investigative and judicial functions, assisting the Public Ministry. It is also the body that handles cybercrimes via its Departamento de Crimes Informáticos (Cybercrime Department) and is the location of the 24/7 point of contact for mutual legal assistance (Lei N.º 13/15, da Cooperacao judiciaria internacional em materia penal/ Law 13/2015 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, Article 168);
  • Directorate for Legal Affairs, Treaties and Litigation (Ministério das Relações Exteriores/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs);
  • CERT – Centro de Estudos Respostas e Tratamento de Incidentes Informático: not yet created, but listed as a priority in the Livro Branco das TIC 2019-2022 (White Paper on the ICT sector);
  • Agência de Proteção de Dados (APD, 2019): Angola’s data protection authority, which also carries a role in limiting the scope of the country’s cybercrime procedural powers (e.g. Lei nº. 7/17 Protecção das Redes e Sistemas Informáticos (Law no. 7/17 Law for the Protection of IT Systems), ARTIGO 38.º (Destruição dos dados).

Jurisprudence / droit jurisprudent

Sources et liens

Reports and research

Databases and institutions

Outils sur la cybercriminalité et les Preuves Electroniques, Vous donner les Moyens d'Agir.png

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 

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  • Site internet Cybercriminalité
  • Modèle : Demande d'information sur le souscripteur dans le cadre de l'entraide judiciaire (Article 31 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.
  • Modèle : Demande de Préservation des Données (Articles 29 et 30 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.