8ème Académie de Formation sur les Itinéraires Culturels
Real Monasterio de Yuste, Espagne, 12-15 Juin 2018
Innovation et nouvelles tendances dans les Itinéraires Culturels: (ré)interpréter le patrimoine culturel européen
La 7ème édition de l'Académie de Formation sur les Itinéraires Culturels, organisée par l'Institut Européen des Itinéraires Culturels, le Réseau de Coopération des Itinéraires Européens de l'Empereur Charles V et la Fondation de l'Académie Européenne et Ibéro-américaine de Yuste, avec le soutien du Gouvernement Régional d'Estrémadure et le Gouvernement Provincial de Cáceres ont eu lieu du 12 au 15 juin 2018 au Monastère Royal de Yuste à Cuacos de Yuste, à Estrémadure, en Espagne.
Au cours de quatre jours, au moyen de méthodes et de groupes de travail interactifs, les participants ont analysé les moyens de donner plus de visibilité aux Itinéraires Culturels du Conseil de l'Europe, comment l'utilisation de la technologie peut stimuler l'activité, comment exploiter le potentiel des réseaux sociaux et l'importance d'établir des alliances et des partenariats stratégiques. La réunion a été l'occasion de débats fructueux sur l'innovation pour les Itinéraires Culturels et la (ré)interprétation du patrimoine culturel européen, en soulignant le rôle du patrimoine, de la culture et du tourisme en tant que moteurs du développement local et de la promotion des valeurs européennes.
L'édition 2018 a réuni environ 70 participants de 16 pays, des représentants de 20 Itinéraires Culturels du Conseil de l'Europe certifiés, 15 réseaux candidats à la certification et des représentants d'autres organisations telles que l'Organisation des États Ibéro-américains (OEI).
Programme de la 7ème Académie de Formation sur les Itinéraires Culturels
Jour 1
Télécharger le Progrmame (en Anglais)
Presentation and guidelines for certifications as Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe by the European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Eleonora BERTI and Stefano DOMINIONI
20:30 Welcome dinner for all participants in “El Patio de la Posada” in Jarandilla de la Vera. Certified by the Touritst Product Club of Charles V
Jour 2
Télécharger le Progrmame (en Anglais)
09:00 Registration of the participants
OPENING SESSION 09:30 – 10:00
- Francisco MARTÍN, General Director for Tourism of the Regional Government of Extremadura Rosario CORDERO, President of the Province Council of Cáceres
- José María HERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Mayor of Cuacos of Yuste
- Francesco FORGIONE, President of the European Routes of Charles V
- Juan Carlos MORENO PIÑERO, Director of the European and Ibero-american Academy of Yuste Foundation
- Ignacio MUÑOZ LLINÁS, Delegate of National Heritage for the Royal Monastery of Yuste
- Marianne BERGER MARJANOVIC, Chair of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA)
- Eladio FERNANDEZ GALIANO, Head of Democratic Initiatives Department, Council of Europe
10:00 - 10:30 Keynote speech: Challenges and opportunities for Cultural Routes on 21st Century, Eladio FERNANDEZ GALIANO, Head of Democratic Initiatives Department, Council of Europe
10:30 - 10:45 Debate
10:45 - 11:00 Introduction to the VII Training Academy on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) and Director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
Organized by the European Cultural Routes of Charles V
11:30 - 12:00 Keynote speech: From the creation to the implementation of Cultural Routes Products. Challenges and vision, Raul VIROSTA MERINO, Manager of ITINERATOUR
12:00 – 12:15 Debate
12:15-13:30 Workshop 1 Creativity, partnership, training and development in cultural routes products. Current and future challenges Format fishing pool
Introduction to workshop and to format “fishing pool”: Miguel Angel MARTIN RAMOS, Secretary of the Cooperation Network of European Routes of Charles V. European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation
Introduction to the workshop by organizing Cultural Route: Quintín CORREAS DOMÍNGUEZ, Manager of the Cooperation Network of European Routes of Charles V
Presentation of the Touristic Product Club of Charles V: Jordi TRESSERRAS JUAN, Director LABPATC, Universidad de Barcelona and Quintín CORREAS DOMÍNGUEZ, Manager of the Cooperation Network of European Routes of Charles V
Presentation of Cultural Routes good practices:
- Research in literature as a way for cultural heritage enhancement Christian BROCHIER, On the footsteps of R. L. Stevenson
- Creative approaches to heritage: Bottom-up approach of grassroots development Victor SORENSSEN, European Route of Jewish Heritage
Debate and exchange of experiences
- Miguel Angel MARTÍN RAMOS, Secretary of the Cooperation Network of European Routes of Charles V. European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation
13:30 - 14:30 Buffet lunch break
Organized by Prehistoric Rock Art Trails
14:30 - 15:00 Keynote speech: (Re)interpreting European Cultural Heritage. New opportunities for the cultural and tourism sectors, Jose Maria DE JUAN ALONSO, Director of KOAN Consulting and Chair of the Council of INTERPRET EUROPE
15:00 - 15:30 Debate
15:30-17:30 Workshop 2 Macro tendencies on cultural heritage and tourism management: circular economy and other aspects to be considered when developing cultural routes Format fishing pool
Introduction to the workshop by the moderator: Jose Maria DE JUAN ALONSO, Director of KOAN Consulting and Chair of the Council of INTERPRET EUROPE
Introduction to the workshop by organizing Cultural Route: Ramón MONTES BARQUIN, Prehistoric Rock Art Trails
Presentation of the topics by expert Mr. Jose Manuel REY-GARCIA, Director of the Archaeological Park of Rock Art of Campo Lameiro, Representative of Government of Galicia
Presentation of Cultural Routes good practices:
- The Routes of El Legado Andalusi and the “muslim friendly” brand, Juan Manuel CID MUÑOZ, El Legado Andalusi
- Inclusion of social aspects in the cultural routes development, Jose Maria DE JUAN ALONSO, The Phoenicians Routes
Debate and exchange of experiences
- Jose Maria DE JUAN ALONSO, Director of KOAN Consulting and Chair of the Council of INTERPRET EUROPE
17:30 Guided Visit to Garganta de la Olla (typical town from the county of La Vera)
20:00 Dinner in the restaurant “The Abbey of Yuste” in Cuacos de Yuste one of the certified restaurants of the Club of Touristic Product of the European Routes of Charles V, as a courtesy of the Town Hall of Cuacos de Yuste
Jour 3
Télécharger le Progrmame (en Anglais)
08:30 - 09:30 General discussion between certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and European Institute of Cultural Routes
09:30 - 10:00 Keynote Speech: Can we innovate developing cultural routes? Maria GRAVARI BARBAS, Director of the IREST, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
10:00 - 10:15 Debate
Organized by The Hansa
10:15 - 10:45 Keynote Speech: What is the role of new technologies in Cultural Routes? Lorenzo CANTONI, Director of the Institute for Communication Technologies, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
10:45 - 11:00 Debate
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:30 Workshop 3 Main challenges and successful histories in the use of new technologies: social media communication, creative approaches and visions. How to create new audiences and combine traditional and new communication tools Format fishing pool
Introduction to the workshop by Moderator Lorenzo CANTONI, Director of the Institute for Communication Technologies, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
Introduction to the workshop by organizing Cultural Route: Inger HARLEVI, The Hansa
Presentation of Cultural Routes good practices:
- Hort’Animation: a virtual reality tool to discover an Art-Nouveau historic house museum, Anne-Lise ALLEAUME, Réseau Art Nouveau
- ATLAS of Europe, Luca BRUSCHI, European Thermal Towns Association
Debate and exchange of experiences
- Lorenzo CANTONI, Director of the Institute for Communication Technologies, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)
13:30 - 14:30 Buffet lunch break
14:30 - 15:30 Guided Visit to the Royal Monastery of Yuste and Palace of Charles V
15:30 - 17:00 Session for candidate projects on the 5 criteria of certification. Presentation of the ATLAS of Good Practices HECTOR project
15:30 - 17:00 Meeting for the certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
17:00 - 18:00 Free time to change for trekking (bring your equipment in the morning)
18:00 Let’s make the route of the Emperor backwards…
20:30 Special Charles V’s Dinner with surprise at the Parador de Jarandilla (Castle where Charles V lived for a few weeks before going to Yuste)
Jour 4
Télécharger le Progrmame (en Anglais)
09:00 - 09:30 Keynote speech: Innovation and New Trends in Cultural Routes Maria, GRAVARI-BARBAS, Director of the IREST, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
09:30 - 09:45 Debate
09:45 - 10:15 Keynote speech: The power of partnerships: Challenges and visions in the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, Jordi TRESSERRAS JUAN, Director LABPATC, Universidad de Barcelona
10:15 - 10:30 Debate
10:30 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 12:30 Workshop 4 Cultural Heritage and Tourism: The perfect wedding? Format fishing pool
Introduction to the workshop by moderator: Jordi TRESSERRAS JUAN, Director LABPATC, Universidad de Barcelona
Presentation of a proposal for establishing a Tour Operator Network for Cultural Routes, Inger HARLEVI, The Hansa, and Jennifer GAETA, European Institute of Cultural Routes
Presentation of Cultural Routes good practices:
- Cooperation with private stakeholders to promote a Cultural Route Luca BRUSCHI, Via Francigena
Debate and exchange of experiences
- Jordi TRESSERRAS JUAN, Director LABPATC, Universidad de Barcelona
12:30 - 13:30 Workshop 5 Can you do it alone? Developing strategic partnerships
Introduction to the workshop by Moderator Maria GRAVARI-BARBAS, Director of the IREST, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
- Why and how we need strategic partnerships along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Jordi TRESSERRAS JUAN, Director LABPATC, Universidad de Barcelona
- Developing strategic partnerships with the Ibero-American cultural space. Growth and synergies for European Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Mónica GARCÍA ALONSO, General Direction of Education, Science and Culture of the General Secretary of Organization of Ibero-American States
Presentation of Cultural Routes good practices:
- ATRIUM cultural route: things to show, stories to tell Lorena ZUCCOLO, ATRIUM
- Strategic partnerships in the European Cemeteries Route Carolina DÍAZ, European Cemeteries Routes
Debate and exchange of experiences
- Maria GRAVARI-BARBAS, Director of the IREST, Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
- Marianne BERGER MARJANOVIC, Chair of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA)
- Inger HARLEVI, Manager of The Hansa
- Eladio FERNANDEZ GALIANO, Head of Democratic Initiatives Department, Council of Europe
- Guillermo FERNANDEZ VARA, President of the Regional Government of Extremadur
- Francesco FORGIONE, President of the Network of Cooperation of the European Routes of the Emperor Charles V
14:00 - 15:00 Buffet lunch
15:00 Visit to the city of Guadalupe and Monastery of Guadalupe
20:00 Dinner at the Monastery of Guadalupe
Programme Complet de la 7ème Académie de Formation sur les Itinéraires Culturels
Real Monasterio de San Jerónimo de Yuste
Carretera de Yuste, s/n
10430 Cuacos de Yuste (SPAIN)
Parador de Jarandilla de la Vera
Avenida Antonio García Prieto, 1
10450 Jarandilla de la Vera (SPAIN)