First ‘No Hate Speech Week’ started at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg

18 June 2024 Strasbourg

The first ever No Hate Speech Week organised by the Council of Europe has kicked off in Strasbourg today, on the International Day for Countering Hate Speech. The three-day conference offers a platform to discuss recent legal and policy developments, to share innovative practices, and to...

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Call for participants - No Hate Speech Week 2024

March 2023 Strasbourg

The No Hate Speech Week, 17-20 June 2024, is organised around the International Day for Countering Hate Speech. In 2021, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which recognises the need to counter discrimination, xenophobia and hate speech and calls on all relevant actors, including states,...

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Le discours de haine en temps de crise, sujet d’une nouvelle publication du Comité du Conseil de l’Europe sur l’anti-discrimination, la diversité et l’inclusion


Pour lutter efficacement contre le discours de haine en temps de crise, il importe de modifier les cadres juridiques, de renforcer les mesures d’application de la loi, de consolider la collaboration entre les médias, les institutions nationales de défense des droits humains et les organismes de...

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Council of Europe work on combating hate speech and crime presented at 11th EU High Level meeting on Combating Hate Speech and Hate crime

Madrid, Spain

At the 11th meeting of the EU High Level Group, the Council of Europe Director of Anti-Discrimination, Jeroen Schokkenbroek, recalled the commitments of the 46 Council of Europe member states expressed in the Reykjavik Declaration of May 2023, when they committed to ensuring equality, combating...

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National seminar on combating hate speech and award ceremony for trusted flaggers training participants in Spain

20/09/2023 Madrid, Spain

International responses on hate speech were among the discussions held during the national seminar on combating hate speech 2023 in Spain. The Council of Europe Recommendation on combating hate speech, and the organisations work, in particular to strengthen non-legal measures such as education,...

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Two new manuals on addressing hate speech available in Republic of Moldova and Armenia

03/08/2023 Strasbourg, France

In the framework of the EU-CoE joint Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) programme, the Council of Europe developed two new manuals on addressing hate speech. Guide on combating hate speech in the media in the Republic of Moldova The Guide provides advice, guidance, and recommendations to the...

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Addressing online hate speech as consequence of the war among topics discussed at EuroDIG

26/06/2023 Tampere, Finland

The Council of Europe set the stage for the session related to the Impact of the war - Protecting citizens in times of crisis at EuroDIG 2023. Citing the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the annual report of European Committee against Racisms and Intolerance (ECRI), the...

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Council of Europe at RightsCon 2023 in Costa Rica

16/06/2023 SAN JOSÉ

From 5-8 June 2023, the Council of Europe participated in the 12th edition of RightsCon 2023, a global summit on human rights in the digital age. More information about Council of Europe at RightsCon2023 can be found on our website. On 6th June, the Council of Europe hosted in a hybrid format a...

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Youth discuss Digital Literacy and Hate Speech in the Age of AI

12-16/06/2023 Budapest, Hungary

The study session ‘Developing Digital Literacy and Responding to Hate Speech in the Age of AI’ was co-organised within the Youth for Democracy programme in cooperation with the No Hate Speech Network (NHSN) and held at the European Youth Centre Budapest from 12 to 16 June 2023. It brought...

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Marking the international day to counter hate speech with equality body representatives

15/06/2023 Vlora, Albania

The International Day for Countering Hate Speech was marked in Albania with a regional seminar, gathering representatives from equality bodies from the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. This event aimed to address ways of dealing with individual redress of cases of discrimination, hate speech...

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Comprehensive approach required to ‘Protecting Democracy from Online Disinformation & Hate’

24/02/2023 Berlin, Germany

The Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 on Combating Hate Speech, served as a basis for a panel discussion during the Conference ‘Protecting Democracy from Online Disinformation & Hate’ held on 24 February 2023 in Berlin. The panellists reflecting on the way forward of content...

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Tackling online xenophobia and racism and the first additional protocol to the Cybercrime Convention are more relevant than ever before

30-31/01/2023 Strasbourg, France

The 20th anniversary Conference on the First Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime was held on 30-31 January in Strasbourg, under the Icelandic Presidency of the Council of Europe. One of the key messages from the conference was that ‘a broad range of measures by multiple...

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No Hate Parliamentary Alliance discusses measures to support those targeted by hate speech

1st December 2022 Strasbourg, France

1 December 2022. Steps national parliaments can take to ensure effective support measures for individuals and groups targeted by hate speech were discussed during the thematic session held today by the No Hate Parliamentary Alliance of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at the...

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UN Internet Governance Forum explores how to implement Council of Europe Recommendation on Combating Hate Speech

30 November 2022 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Representative of national authorities, civil society organisations and Internet businesses discussed together how to implement the provisions included in Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)16 on Combating Hate Speech and the UN Plan of Action on Hate Speech. They met during the hybrid...

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La Recommandation sur la lutte contre le discours de haine est présentée lors de la conférence du 20ème anniversaire de l’INACH

3 novembre 2022 Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Lors de la conférence du 20e anniversaire de l'INACH, Tarlach McGonagle, membre de l'ancien Comité d'experts sur la lutte contre le discours de haine et du secrétariat du CoE, a présenté la Recommandation CM/Rec(2022)16 du Comité des ministres sur la lutte contre le discours de haine, récemment...

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Le Conseil de l'Europe adopte la Recommandation sur la lutte contre le discours de haine

20 mai 2022 Turin

Dans une Recommandation adoptée lors de sa session annuelle qui s'est tenue à Turin, le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe a appelé les gouvernements à élaborer des stratégies globales de prévention et de lutte contre le discours de haine, notamment en adoptant un cadre juridique...

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Le Comité d'experts pour la lutte contre le discours de haine a tenu sa dernière réunion

25 Octobre 2021 Strasbourg

Le Comité d'experts pour la lutte contre le discours de haine (ADI/MSI-DIS) a tenu sa quatrième et dernière réunion en format hybride les 6-7 et 20-21 octobre. Les membres de l'ADI/MSI-DIS et les autres participants ont tenu des discussions constructives sur le projet de recommandation sur la...

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Consultation publique sur la recommandation du CM sur la lutte contre le discours de haine

23 juin 2021 Strasbourg

La consultation publique sur le projet de texte de la recommandation du Comité des Ministres sur la lutte contre le discours de haine est ouverte du 23 juin au 8 août 2021. Cette recommandation fournira des orientations non contraignantes aux états membres et aux autres parties prenantes clés sur...

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Le Comité d'experts sur la lutte contre les discours de haine (ADI/MSI-DIS) a tenu sa troisième réunion par vidéoconférence

12-13 APRIL 2021 ONLINE

Les 12 et 13 avril 2021, le Comité d'experts sur la lutte contre le discours de haine a tenu sa troisième réunion en ligne afin de poursuivre les travaux sur le projet de recommandation sur une approche globale de la lutte contre le discours de haine, y compris dans le contexte d'un environnement...

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Le Comité d'experts pour la lutte contre le discours de haine tient sa deuxième réunion en ligne

16 Decembre 2020 Strasbourg

Les 15 et 16 décembre 2020, le Comité d'experts pour la lutte contre le discours de haine (ADI/MSI-DIS) a échangé des vues sur le document de travail préparé par les rapporteurs présentant des éléments pour la rédaction d'une recommandation sur une approche globale de la lutte contre le discours...

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