Euronews report on trafficking of African footballers

The Council of Europe is helping to combat the trafficking of young African footballers to Europe. Every year hundreds of them are lured to cities like Paris by false promises of glittering careers with top clubs. The reality is that they are often abandoned soon after arriving, and left to fend...

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World Refugee Day 2020

According to UN statistics, nearly 80 million people worldwide had to flee their homes in 2019. This film, produced jointly by the Council of Europe and the City of Strasbourg to coincide with World Refugee Day 2020, follows the paths of three refugees now living in the Alsatian capital, two from...

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Roma Mediators

As long as Roma face everyday living conditions far worse than other Europeans, we cannot be fully satisfied with the results of our work. We cannot be satisfied as long as Roma people live in ghettos, as long as their children attend segregated schools and as long as there are groups who de...

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Nadya Benklyan – pilote

“The best advice I would give to women is not to be afraid of challenges”. Nadya Benklyan, civil aviation pilot tells us. Her inspiring story traces when and how she decided to become a pilot, who was her “role model” and what were the biggest barriers she faced before achieving her dream.

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Tamta Melashvili – écrivaine

In her interview Georgian writer Tamta Melashvili tells us what she wanted to say with her book Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry, including the stereotypes female writers face and more. This video is part of a series aimed at fighting violence against women and reinforcing gender equality.

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Mari Gurgenishvili – marine mechanic

Her family wanted her to become a model. Instead Mari Gurgenishvili is the only woman marine mechanic in Georgia. We visited her in Batumi to hear her inspiring story that should encourage all women to pursue their dreams.

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Tamar Chaava – soldier

Tamar Chaava is a sergeant whose dream to become a military servant derives from childhood. In this video she talks about the barriers and challenges and success she has faced on her path to realising her career goal. Her story is inspiring. This video is part of a series aimed at fighting...

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Tout ce qu’on veut, c’est pouvoir travailler !

Universidade Lusófona Lisbonne

Cette vidéo a été réalisée pour le Conseil de l’Europe par les étudiants en cinéma du departamento de cinema e artes dos media de l’Université Lusófona de Lisbonne, au Portugal. Il montre que les personnes handicapées ont autant de qualités pour un employeur que les employés valides et invite à...

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