The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is organizing a national training workshop on developing responses of young people to antigypsyism and hate speech in Italy. The event is scheduled to take place during 27-30 November 2018 in Rome, Italy.
The aim of the training workshop is to develop participants understanding and competences about structural discrimination, antigypsyism and hates speech against Roma young people in Italy and to develop appropriate responses using the available human rights and institutional framework in the context of Italy.
The national training workshop is open to young people, youth leaders, activists, educators and all those that are interested to support Roma communities across and that are currently residing in Italy. The event is organized under the framework of the Roma Youth Action Plan project of the Council of Europe and in cooperation with the National Office Against Discrimination (UNAR) and Roma ONLUS from Italy.
Detailed information about the training workshop Avviso di partecipazione
Application form Form di partecipazione
All interested candidates must send their application form (in word) by email to [email protected] by 7 November 2018, midday CET. / I candidati interessati devono compilare il form (allegato) in ogni sua parte e inviarlo per e-mail a [email protected] entro le ore 12:00 del 7 novembre 2018.