Who are the PC-OC?

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on the Operation of European Conventions on Co-operation in Criminal Matters (PC-OC / Terms of reference / List of Conventions) is the forum in which, since 1981, experts from all member and observer states and organisations come together to elaborate ways to improve international co-operation in criminal matters and identify solutions to practical problems encountered in the application of Council of Europe Conventions in this field. More about the PC-OC

This website is in continuous development becoming more useful for practitioners involved in international co-operation in criminal matters.

Back NEW HELP Online course on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters

NEW HELP Online course on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters

The HELP online course on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters explores fundamental principles of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and a range of legal frameworks and legal instruments for cooperation- applied under a general consideration for human rights issues.

In a rapidly changing world under the challenges of globalization and new technologies; to combat transnational crimes such as organized crime, corruption and terrorism and national crimes, mechanisms and instruments of international cooperation in criminal matters are of paramount importance. Trying to provide their citizens with safety and security, it is vital for states to enhance their capacity to deal promptly and efficiently with international cooperation requests based on a range of treaties in European and International Law.

This free on-line course is primarily addressed to legal professionals (judges, prosecutors, central authorities ) working in the field of international cooperation in criminal matters  but also to lawyers, academics  and  other  persons interested in this field.

The course consists of ten substantive modules which are explored in a practical way, by using presentations, interactive screens, etc:

1. Introduction

2. Legal Framework 

3. Extradition

4. Mutual Legal Assistance

5. Transfer of Sentenced Persons

6. Supervision of Offenders, International Validity of Criminal Judgments and Transfer of Proceedings.

7. Seizure and Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime

8. International Cooperation Toolbox

9. Knowledge Check

For more information.

Strasbourg 03/10/2017
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Meetings PC-OC

Meetings PC-OC Mod

Judicial Networks

Open Ended Catalogue
of International Judicial Networks of operational relevance in the fight against Transnational Organised Crime