Back Round tables for presentation of the newly-established External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work

Round tables for presentation of the newly-established  External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work

More than 100 participants from various national institutions and civil society learnt of the establishment of the External Oversight Mechanism (EOM) over the police work at three round tables, which took place in Skopje (6 February), Stip (7 February) and Bitola (8 February 2019). The round tables provided them with an opportunity to discuss operational and structural preconditions and practical arrangements that would ensure proper functioning of the new oversight mechanism.

The EOM proposal was developed by a working group, which identified the ‘two-tier’ Prosecutor Plus model as the most appropriate model for the country, with a view of strengthening the independent oversight of the police by establishing efficient external mechanism. With the adoption of the necessary legislative amendments in October 2018, a Specialised Unit on investigating and prosecuting all criminal acts perpetrated by MoIA employees with police authority and by the prison police has been already established within the Public Prosecutor’s Office, while a Unit for Civil Oversight of the police, with participation of 3 NGO representatives, is currently being established within the Ombudsman’s Office.

round tables gathered representatives from all relevant national stakeholders, namely representatives from the Basic and Higher Public Prosecutor’s Offices in the country, the Ombudsman Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, judges from Basic and Appellate Courts, NGO representatives, as well as members of the academia and the international community.

The process of drafting the EOM proposal and, subsequently, the presentation of the newly-established EOM was carried out within the scope of the Action “Enhancing Human Rights Policing”, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe within the “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey” and implemented by the Council of Europe.

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Action summary

The Council of Europe will assist the national authorities in overcoming the identified shortcomings and practical deficiencies related to the protection of human rights in the country in line with the international standards and best practices. The project will be implemented in close cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and will include a wider group of national partners and stakeholders, including the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the judiciary, the Ombudsman and the National Preventive Mechanism, the Standing Inquiry Committee for Protection of Civil Rights and Freedoms, and prominent civil society organisations active in the field of protection and promotion of human rights.

This action is part of the Council of Europe/European Union Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey.

Overall objective

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the protection of human rights in the country in line with the Council of Europe and international standards.

Outcomes and expected outputs

Outcome 1: Introduce effective oversight over police work through establishing an external mechanism.

Expected outputs:

  • The legislative and institutional framework of the independent external oversight mechanism (EOM) over the police work has been established
  • The capacities of the EOM staff on conducting independent and effective investigation of the complaints against the police have been developed

Outcome 2: Improve human rights compliance of the police through strengthening the preventive safeguards against ill-treatment and enhancing the internal police investigative mechanism.

Expected outputs:

  • The in-service police training mechanisms are made sustainable and procedures on treatment of persons in police custody are in line with international standards
  • The capacities of the internal police control mechanism with respect to investigating and combating ill-treatment are further improved.

This webpage has been produced using funds of a joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe.  The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

Project at a glance
  • Duration:18 months (completed by 28 February 2018)
  • Beneficaries: Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the judiciary, the Ombudsman
    and the National Preventive Mechanism, the Standing Inquiry Committee for Protection of Civil
    Rights and Freedoms, and prominent civil society organisations active in the field of protection and
    promotion of human rights
  • Funding: The European Union and the Council of Europe
  • Budget: € 550 000 EUR
Project contacts

Petar Jordanoski: Senior Project Officer

Dusica Zafirovska: Project Finance Assistant

Sandra Prilepcanska Popovska: Linguistic Assistant