“Training of Trainers” on the right to a fair trial”

3 July 2017 Ohrid

A five-day long “Training of Trainers” on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was organized on 3-7 July, 2017 in Ohrid. This activity was organized within the Project “Increasing judicial capacity to safeguard human rights and combat ill-treatment and impunity”, as part of...

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“Training of Trainers” on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights

11-15 September 2017 Struga, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

A five-day “Training of Trainers” on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was organized on 11-15 September 2017 in Struga. The selected participants, as a future trainers of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors had the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on...

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Appeal courts’ joint meeting on harmonisation of the domestic courts practice

26 April 2017 Ohrid

A two-day event on harmonisation of the domestic courts practice in relation to the European Convention on Human Rights was organised on the 11-12 April 2017 in Ohrid. This activity was organised within the Project “Increasing judicial capacity to safeguard human rights and combat ill-treatment...

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Round table on the “Role of the relevant institutions in combating ill-treatment and impunity in light of Article 3 of the ECHR"

04 May 2017 Skopje

A roundtable meeting on the “Role of the relevant institutions in combating ill-treatment and impunity in light of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, aimed at legal professionals, law-enforcement officials, Ombudsperson and representatives of other NGOs, was organized as part...

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Launch of the project “Increasing judicial capacity to safeguard human rights and combat ill-treatment and impunity”

16 February 2017 Skopje

The project, which is part of the “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey”, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE), was launched on the 16 February 2017 in Skopje. It is expected to be completed by 31 May 2018. The overall objective of the project is aimed at...

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