Continuous co-operation with European Union and Council of Europe brings reforms in North Macedonia closer to European values and standards

7 April 2022, Skopje - The main partners and key beneficiaries of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” (Phase 2) emphasised today the importance of continuing and advancing North Macedonia’s reform agenda in line with European values and standards.

The 3rd Beneficiary Steering Committee of the Horizontal Facility II programme gathered in Skopje representatives from the public authorities, civil society, independent bodies, and related stakeholders to discuss achieved results and sustainable milestones in advancing ongoing reforms. These reforms are aimed at improving access to the legal system, better protecting the rights of detained and sentenced persons, strengthening anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regimes, strengthening protection of human trafficking victims, fighting discrimination and hate speech as well as improving the freedom of expression and freedom of the media based on the European standards and best practices.

In his welcoming address, Director for Multilateral Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Pajo Avirović, emphasised the partnership between the EU Delegation and the Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje, as well as the active involvement of direct beneficiary institutions, flexibility and results-oriented projects within the Horizontal Facility II programme, having in mind the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this process, as part of the coordination mechanism. “While we look forward to the well-deserved start of EU membership negotiations, we remain committed to the European reform agenda at home and we appreciate the cooperation and support we receive, including through this EU-Council of Europe joint Programme that hopefully we will continue to implement also in its third phase, as partners in promoting European values and sharing the priorities in the field of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.” said Avirović.


Steffen Hudolin, Head of Co-operation, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia, in his remarks stressed:The joint European Union and Council of Europe ‘Horizontal Facility II’ programme have significantly supported the beneficiary institutions in their efforts to continue with the necessary reforms in the field of human rights and rule of law. A number of valuable results have been achieved under each individual action in the previous period, which have directly contributed to the positive developments on legislative level but also on policy and advisory level. These are all direct contributions towards better life for the citizens.”


Delphine Freymann, Head of Programming Department a.i, Office of the Directorate General of Programmes, Council of Europe underlined that the today’s meeting is an opportunity to take stock of tangible results achieved under the programme as well as to reflect on lessons learnt before the start of the programme’s next phase. “The European Union and the Council of Europe will continue to support North Macedonia throughout its reform process to sustain the credible results which have already been achieved for the benefits of citizens”, said Freymann.


For further information, please contact:

Besnik Baka, tel. +355 69 21 78 430 or
Dusan Vojnović, tel. +33 3 90 21 56 99


Horizontal Facility programme in North Macedonia

The joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” was created as a co-operation initiative to assist Beneficiaries in the Western Balkans and Turkey to comply with European standards in the framework of the enlargement process. The second phase of the programme is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe in the amount of €41 million. It is running between 2019 and 2022 and builds on the results of the first phase.

With a dedicated fund of over €4.2 million, the Horizontal Facility II in North Macedonia has achieved tangible results during the last year, despite the effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the implementation of its activities.

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In the field of strengthening the human rights treatment of detained persons, the programme contributed to the ongoing efforts to improve the prison system. Accordingly, the programme supported the preparation of the Strategy on the Development of the Penitentiary System which aims to ensure that prisoners and their families are treated in a safe environment with respect and dignity. To illustrate this, the children's corner in the Prilep prison library was recently opened for families and children whose parents are serving a prison sentence.

In addition, the programme aimed to directly improve the lives of rights-holders by contributing to the process of enhancing the efficiency, quality, accessibility, and awareness of free legal aid system. Through awareness raising initiatives reaching more than 300 000 people among the general population and in particular women and vulnerable groups, citizens know more about relevant free legal aid provisions. Moreover, the programme has been working closely with key actors in the field to improve access to justice for asylum seekers through the provision of effective free legal aid.

The initiatives on countering discrimination include awareness raising activities on the fight against hate speech and discrimination that target members of vulnerable groups, who have already been affected by stigma and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Concrete efforts were devoted to eliminating inequalities and introducing gender mainstreaming as a key priority of the programme. In this context, with its support, journalists have enhanced their knowledge on preparing gender-balanced and victim-oriented media reports.

To complement this approach and with the aim to further improve the monitoring and reporting cases of gender-based violence in the media, specific guidelines were drafted and shared to help journalists in their work. In the field of freedom of expression/freedom of the media, support was provided to improve the collaboration between media actors and lawmakers and thus strengthen the accountability and transparency of parliamentary processes.

Concerning the efforts in preventing and fighting human trafficking, concrete support has been provided through the continuous co-operation with civil society organisations and local authorities. Capacity building activities involving various actors in the field have ensured improved identification, protection of, and assistance to victims of human trafficking in line with the European standards. A particular focus has been dedicated to the protection of groups vulnerable to human trafficking as well as hate crimes. Through its interventions the programme provided support and assistance for trafficking victims and raised further awareness about LGBTI rights in the local communities.

In the field of fighting corruption and money laundering, the programme contributed to the development of the ‘Law on Non-Conviction Based Confiscation’, including significant recommendations and revisions in line with European standards. In addition, with the objective to strengthen the implementation of the requirements of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and Council of Europe recommendations, awareness raising activities have been organised with the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, Ministry of Justice but also other authorities involved in the process of fighting corruption.


As part of the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanism, which provides expertise within the Council of Europe system to respond to requests for legislative expertise and policy advice, the Venice Commission adopted an important opinion on the draft Law on the State of Emergency in North Macedonia, after a request submitted by the Ministry of Justice in North Macedonia.


More information on the Horizontal Facility II Programme in North Macedonia

Skopje 7 April 2022
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