Back Piloting of the Treatment module for radicalised inmates launched in North Macedonia

Piloting of the Treatment module for radicalised inmates launched in North Macedonia

The piloting of the Individual Treatment module for radicalised inmates was launched in Shtip prison, with the support and guidance of the Council of Europe consultant.

The initiative, which will last for 6 months, involves the application of an extensive set of tools and mechanisms for the treatment of violent extremist prisoners (VEP), which will help the dedicated prison professionals in identifying signs of radicalisation among the prison population, assessing the needs of the VEPs, working on their disengagement from violence and preparing them for release.

Throughout the past year, a working group consisting of experienced prison practitioners and representatives from the Directorate for Execution of Sanctions, was assisted by international consultants in developing the Programme for radicalised and violent extremist prisoners, alongside with the revision of the VEP-specific screening and the in-depth Risk and Needs Assessment tools.

The activity is organised under the auspices of the Action “Enhancing the capacities of the penitentiary system and the external oversight mechanism in North Macedonia”, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe within the “Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Stip, North Macedonia 25 September 2020
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