Recognition of the Roma Genocide

 Recognition, official texts

The Netherlands has observed a day of remembrance on 4th May since the end of World War II. The day, called the Remembrance of the Dead, commemorates all civilians and soldiers who died in the Netherlands and elsewhere since the outbreak of World War II, including both in conflict situations and during peacekeeping operations. This includes the victims of the Holocaust. Until 1961, the day only commemorated the Dutch victims of World War II. Since 1961, victims of other military conflicts and of all nationalities are also remembered on this day. The Netherlands also observes International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27th January by remembering the victims of the Holocaust on the last Sunday of the month.

'Wiedergutmachung', since the fifties: few Roma benefited from it.

Since the sixties, there are legislative provisions and implementations, referring to victims of WWII, which include Roma and Sinti:

  • Laws on pensions and benefits for physically and/or psychologically injured victims of WWII.
  • Social work to make these benefits accessible and process individual reports.
  • Council of Pensions and Benefits to judge and proceed requests.

In 1995 the 50th anniversary of the liberation and the end of the WWII was remembered with grants for initiatives of victim groups.

In 1999: “Fourth Tranche Gold Pool”, a fund facilitated by the Dutch Government; called for proposals, resulting in projects including approximately ten on Sinti and Roma specifically. This is an allocation financed by returned monetary gold (Monetary gold seized by Nazi Germany, traced by the Allies and returned by the Tripartite Gold Commission). In 2000 The Dutch Government decided to compensate victims for formality and imperfections in the rehabilitation of victims of WWII and the harsh acceptance of victims after the end of the war, including Sinti and Roma living at the time in the Netherlands.

Creation of a foundation managing the earmarked Sinti and Roma. Compensation Fund (2001), with individual benefits and project purposes.

Proceeding of requests for individual benefits (until 2006) and project proposals (until 2010). Monitoring by ministries and the Parliament (2000-2010).

 Data (camps locations, Remembrance places, measures etc.)

In 1979: Creation of the Roma Monument at the Museum Square in Amsterdam, initiated and financed by the civil society (Roma association and allies).

In 1983: Creation of Memorial Center Camp Westerbork, with special reference to Sinti and Roma (symbolised by the stony red ‘flames’) among the other main victim groups (Jews and political prisoners).

Since 1995: Official and explicit inclusion (along with the presence of representatives of the Sinti and Roma) in the yearly National Remembrance Days on 4 and 5 May (wreath-laying ceremony at the Dam Square monument in Amsterdam on 4 May; celebration of freedom on 5 May) and at the yearly Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January in Amsterdam (wreath-laying ceremony at Auschwitz monument in the Wertheim Park).

Since 1994, a remembrance ceremony is held on 19 May at the former transit camp Westerbork (578 Roma and Sinti were deported to Westerbrock): Sinti Grass Root Organisations organise the Remembrance of the ‘Gypsy’-razzias in 18 Dutch municipalities (1944, 16 May) and subsequent deportation of 245 Sinti and Roma to Auschwitz-Birkenau (1944, 19 May; approximately 30 of them survived).

Incidental Sinti and Roma attention during the yearly commemoration events at former camps in Amersfoort and Vught.

Creation of local monuments for Sinti and Roma in former 'gypsy'-razzia municipalities.

 Specialised institution, commission, research centre etc., dealing with this issue

The National Institute for War Documentation (founded on 8 May 1945): Documentation and scientific research. E.g. Scientific research and publication on ‘The Persecution of the Gypsies in the Netherlands’ (1979, B. Sijes).
- Leiden Institute Scientific Research published ‘And Gypsies so they were called …’ (L. Lucassen, 1991).
- Anne Frank Foundation. Racism and Extremism Monitoring (exclusively on Sinti and Roma, 2004: edition ‘Roma and Sinti Monitor racism and the extreme right’).
The Government appointed a commission investigation on robbery and loss of possessions of war victims (terminated); report including a paragraph on Sinti and Roma (1997-1998).
- The Government appointed the SOTO-Foundation (1998 - 2001); research program “Return and Reception after WWII”, including the Sinti and Roma case (2001, M. Bossenbroek).
- Other specialized and organizational initiatives working on supporting implementation of official measures: Sinti Grass Roots organization (1989-2003), Lau Mazirel Advocacy Association (1989-1998), FORUM (1998-2010), Compensation Fund Foundation Sinti and Roma (2001-2010), Dutch Institute Sinti and Roma (founded in 2010); Anne Frank Foundation, National Committee for the 4th and 5th May (and local committees).

 Official initiatives (campaigns, actions, projects, commemoration days, museums)

Within the framework of the Compensation Fund of WWII Victims ideas on forming a centre for Sinti and Roma were thoroughly discussed and researched. This lead to the foundation of the Dutch Institute for Sinti and Roma in 2010, which is based in Den Bosch. This centre aims to permanently improve the position of Roma and Sinti in the Dutch society. It does so by e.g. by offering best practices and practical aid to municipalities, carrying out various projects (mainly focused on education and employability), offering a documentation and information centre and acting as an intermediate between all parties involved, including government.

A virtual exhibition “The Forgotten Genocide”:

The Dutch initiative, a website about WWII history. is an initiative of partner organizations dedicated to World War II history, led by the Dutch organisation Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei (under Prime Minister's command and receiving institutional grant). The website has a section dedicated to Sinti and Roma.

Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei is also leading a virtual exhibition on the “Forgotten Genocide” of Roma and Sinti. The exhibition was created on the occasion of the Requiem for Auschwitz which premiered in Amsterdam’s Nieuwe Kerk (new church) on 3 May 2012. It is supported by IHRA and EVZ (Remembrance, Responsibility and Future)

 Remembrance day

The special days for yearly commemorations, including Sinti and Roma, are: 27 January (Auschwitz liberation), 4 May (victims of all wars, especially WWII), 5 May (Liberty Day). There are also local commemorations, e.g. on 16 May (the Razzia) and/or 19 May (Deportation to Auschwitz)

 Teaching about the Roma Genocide

 Inclusion of the topic in the school curriculum

Schools in the Netherlands are compelled to teach about WWII in primary and secondary education (starting when the children are ten years old). Teachers have freedom in choosing methods and content of their lessons. Samudaripen is usually a part of their lessons on WWII / Holocaust.

Material for their lessons can mostly be found on the internet, especially through the site that leads to reliable sources and was made by the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei on request of the government.

Information can also be found on

Teachers can take their pupils to a former campsite or a museum. E.g. in the Memorial Center Camp Westerbork the history of Sinti and Roma is taught.

Shools may adopt a local memorial (project ‘Adopt a Monument’), which also commemorates Sinti and Roma, and built a lesson around it.

 Inclusion of the topic in the school textbooks

A presentation for secondary schools and university history or Romani Studies courses : Dr Adrian Marsh, The Mechanics of Marginalisation; the Gypsies and genocide, 1900–2011 (O Baro Porrajmos) The history of Anna Maria “Settela” Steinbach

A book for young pupils (12+): Inez van Loon, Mijn zusje (My little sister), 2015 It tells the story of a Sinti Girl Perla who fled with her ​​family from Germany to the Netherlands. There Perla's sister was born. But also in the Netherlands, they were not safe.

The 2010 national booklet for the preparation of the Commemoration Day 4 May, which was offered to the schools, contains an example of Sinti and Roma' point of view.

Information in textbooks is often limited.

 Training of teachers and education professionals

Anne Frank house offers a "Teachers portal".

Educational material: Karen Polak, Teaching about the genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust: chances and challenges in Europe today, Intercultural Education, 24:1-2, 79-92, 2013

In November 2012 and November 2013, Anne Frank House organised in cooperation with (Austria) and the Museum of Romani Culture (Czech Republic), the International Conference on teaching material on the Roma Genocide, to develop and promote teaching materials on the Roma Genocide, and in particular to further implement the teaching materials "The Fate of the European Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust". Teaching materials are available on their website.

 Particular activities undertaken at the level of education institutions

They are incidental and ad hoc activities on Sinti and Roma: a primary school adopted the Roma Monument of Amsterdam for the Commemoration on 4 May.

The exhibition “Forgotten Genocide” was promoted by Anne Frank House in its annual report 2012 on Holocaust education, reminding the importance of teaching this aspect of the Holocaust.


Camp survivor Weinberg Wyvern observed: "It was a strange group that was brought into camp. They were not Jews, but Gypsies (...). They were housed in two empty barracks which were located next to the punishment barracks. The barracks were just next to the barbed wire fence of the camp (...) We were told to guard the Gypsies overnight (...) So there we were with a large torch at the ready. The Gypsies had the impression that they were going to a German camp. Occasionally the women would come up to us and ask what was going to happen to them. These were questions to which we could give no answer."

The testimony of Zoni Weisz can be read on the website

The testimony of Settela Steinbach can be read online.

Her story is also the subject of a presentation for secondary schools and university history or Romani Studies courses: Dr Adrian Marsh The Mechanics of Marginalisation; the Gypsies and genocide, 1900–2011 (O Baro Porrajmos) "The history of Anna Maria “Settela” Steinbach"

Settela (Anna Maria) Steinbach (1934 - Auschwitz 1944) On 19 May, 245 Sinti and Roma people who were held in Westerbork were deported to Auschwitz. For a long time, Settela, 'the girl between the train wagon doors' was thought to be Jewish. In 1995, a journalist discovered that she was 'the child of Steinbach' when he showed the photograph to a Sinti survivor of Auschwitz. The transport arrived in Auschwitz on 21 May. The Sinti and Roma from this transport were placed in a separate Gypsy Camp. On 31 July 1944, Settela Steinbach was murdered in the gas chamber. The photograph stems from a film fragment made by the German Jewish photographer Hugo Breslauer by order of camp commander Albert Konrad Gemmeker, NIOD Collection, Amsterdam.

 Initiatives of the civil society

In November 2012 and November 2013, Anne Frank House organised in cooperation with (Austria) and the Museum of Romani Culture (Czech Republic), the International Conference on teaching material on the Roma Genocide. There were three target groups represented at the meetings: educational experts working at institutes related to the history of the Holocaust and/or the Roma Genocide, teacher trainers that are working at universities or teacher training colleges, and educational authorities. The expertise of these different groups of experts contributed significantly to the development of the teaching material and of the implementation process. The project aimed to create a network of educators and policy makers from across Europe to generally support teaching about the Roma Genocide in the institutions and countries that are part of the project, and in particular to further implement the teaching materials "The Fate of the European Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust".

The Project Requiem for Auschwitz:
It was organised by the partners the International Gipsy Festival and the Alfa Foundation. Requiem for Auschwitz is a musical monument for all the victims of Nazi Terror. It is a shared moment for representatives of the Jewish, Roma, Sinti and other victim groups in the light of recent developments in Europe. It is a living proof of the power of culture against discrimination and exclusion. This event is based on the composition Requiem for Auschwitz (2009) by the self-educated Dutch Sinto musician Roger ‘Moreno’ Rathgeb. It was performed by the Roma- und Sinti Philharmoniker from Frankfurt am Main, conducted by Romani conductor Riccardo M Sahiti. Performances are accompanied by special exhibitions, debates, a conference and a film and documentary program. The Requiem premiered on 3 May 2012 at the ‘Nieuwe Kerk’, a famous church in the heart of Amsterdam. The following day a TV-recording of the concert was broadcasted nationwide, along with a documentary about the forgotten genocide. After the premiere the Requiem travelled through Europe, visiting the partner cities Tilburg (NL), Prague, Budapest, Frankfurt, Cracow and Berlin. In each country the Requiem was performed by the Roma- und Sinti Philharmoniker, a local choir and 4 soloists. On 30 October 2013 the Requiem was officially concluded with the ‘Final Chord’, attended by the Dutch former queen princess Beatrix and 450 high school students (age 12-18). The Final Chord was not just the conclusion of the Requiem for Auschwitz, but also the starting point of an education project called ‘Requiem for Auschwitz at School’. The school project conductor Roger ‘Moreno’ Rathgeb visits schools and teaches young students (age 14-25) about the Requiem for Auschwitz and the forgotten genocide.


 Educational material

A presentation for secondary schools and university history or Romani Studies courses : Dr Adrian Marsh, The Mechanics of Marginalisation; the Gypsies and genocide, 1900–2011 (O Baro Porrajmos) The history of Anna Maria “Settela” Steinbach

A book for young pupils (12+): Inez van Loon, Mijn zusje (My little sister), 2015 It tells the story of a Sinti Girl Perla who fled with her ​​family from Germany to the Netherlands. There Perla's sister was born. But also in the Netherlands, they were not safe.

Educational material: Karen Polak (2013): Teaching about the genocide of the Roma and Sinti during the Holocaust: chances and challenges in Europe today, Intercultural Education, 24:1-2, 79-92

Anne Frank house : Teachers portal

 Information material


Franz, L. (1997). Lily: het unieke levensverhaal van een zigeunerin. Amsterdam: Forum. [There is a translation into German]

Yoors J. (1981). Een volk op doortocht: zigeuners tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. [Original in English]


Hackl, E. (1990). Afscheid van Sidonie: een verhaal. Amsterdam: Amber. [Original in German]

Lakatos, M. (1982). Berookte beelden: roman. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff cop. [Original in Hungarian]

Ramati, A. (1988). En de violen zwegen: een verhaal over de holocaust van de zigeuners. Amsterdam: Omega Boek. [Original in English]


Interview in English with Lily Franz, who survived at Auschwitz-Birkenau. [Translation into Dutch]


Roma Sinti – Vervolging – Sinti und Roma

Kamp Westerbrock Memorial Centre - Persecution of Sinti and Roma

Dutch Auschwitz Committee - Perpetrators and victims - Sinti and Roma

 Scientific publications

Beckers, J. (1980). Me hum Sinthu: ik ben zigeuner: gesprekken met zigeuners over de vervolging in de periode ’40-’45 en de jaren daarna. Den Haag: Horus.

Franz, L. (1997). Lily: het unieke levensverhaal van een zigeunerin. Amsterdam: Forum. [There is a translation into German]

Müller-Hill, B. (1986). Met de wetenschap als excuus: de rol van psychiaters, anthropologen en genetici in Nazi-Duitsland. Baarn & Antwerpen: Anthos/In den Toren & EPO.

Sijes, B. A. et al. (1979). Vervolging van zigeuners in Nederland 1940-1945. ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff.

Vos, C. (2005). "The Past in Iconic Clichés The case of ‘the girl between the doors of a cattle-wagon to Auschwitz’". In: Salmi, H. (ed.). History in Words and Images. Proceedings of the Conference on Historical Representation held at the University of Turku, Finland, 26–28 September 2002. Turku: University of Turku, Department of History, pp. 157-170.

Wagenaar, A. (1995). Settela: het meisje heeft haar naam terug. Amsterdam; Antwerpen: Arbeiderspers.

Yoors J. (1981). Een volk op doortocht: zigeuners tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. [Original in English]

 Multimedia material

European Holocaust Research Project (EHRI):

This project is financed by the European Union and will take four years to complete (from 2010 to 2014). EHRI's main objective is to support the European Holocaust research community by opening up a portal that will give online access to dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust all over Europe and Israel, and by encouraging collaborative research through the development of tools.

Twenty organisations - research institutions, libraries, archives, museums and memorial sites - from thirteen countries work together in a consortium to achieve these goals. The project is coordinated by the Netherlands Institute for Research of War, Holocaust and Genocide (NIOD).

Another partner in the Netherlands is DANS-DAWA (Data Archiving and Networked Services).


1989: “The Forgotten Holocaust”. Documentary. United Kingdom. Director: George Case. 50 min.
About the persecution and genocide of the European Roma. Some Roma survivors from Germany, Hungary, Austria, Poland, France and the Netherlands are interviewed about this topic.

1994: “Settela, Gezicht van het Verleden” (Settela, face of the past). Documentary. The Netherlands. Director: Cherry Duyns. 55 min.
A face on a picture which became an icon for the deportation of Jewish people in the Netherlands. Cherry Duyns follows the investigation by a journalist, who wanted to determine the girl’s identity. They discovered that the girl was a Roma girl. Afterwards they spoke with some camp survivors in order to get information about her.