Back 1st HELP course on the MEDICRIME Convention launched in the Western Balkans region

1st HELP course on the MEDICRIME Convention launched in the Western Balkans region

On 18 October 2021, the HELP course on the MEDICRIME Convention was launched for legal professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


This action, developed by the HELP Programme, was addressed to 17 judges and prosecutors, in the framework of the project “Initiative for legal certainty and efficient judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. It is implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Republika Srpska.


  • Would you like to know more about the course? Please find a presentation at the following link (from 02:07 to 14:56)
  • Would you like to take the online version of the course? Please find out more info here.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 October 2021
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Covid 19

At a time when the Covid-19 epidemic is posing unprecedented challenges to the health sector, the Council of Europe calls on governments to be extremely vigilant against counterfeit or falsified medicines and medical products. Faced with this threat, states can rely on the MEDICRIME Convention to safeguard public health and target the criminal behaviour of those who, like criminal networks, take advantage of the loopholes in our systems and of the current crisis.

Handbook for Parliamentarians

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Handbook for Parliamentarians


"In recent years, occurrences of counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes have increased worldwide. These crimes endanger public health, and affect patients and their confidence in the legal marketplace.

Even more profitable than drug trafficking, this new form of crime has an undeniable advantage for criminals: they go largely unpunished or receive only mild sanctions. Even when states take strict measures to regulate the production and distribution of medical products and devices, these measures often prove insufficient, especially when criminal networks find gaps in national legislations allowing them to make substantial profits at the expense of people’s lives and health. The MEDICRIME Convention was drafted to protect vulnerable patients and their right to safe access to medicines of appropriate quality, and to fight against organised crime. As the first and only international treaty dealing with this problem, the convention aims at prosecuting the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes, protecting the rights of victims and promoting national and international co-operation."

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni
Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe