Statutory Committee
- The Statutory Committee shall be composed of the representatives on the Committee of Ministers of the Member States of the Council of Europe which are also members of the GRECO and of representatives specifically designated to that effect by the other members of the GRECO.
- The Statutory Committee shall determine every year the members' compulsory contributions to the GRECO. The scale according to which the contributions of non-members of the Council of Europe are calculated shall be decided in agreement with the latter; as a general rule, that scale shall conform to the criteria for the determination of the scale of contributions to the general budget of the Council of Europe. (more...)
Article 9 provides for the establishment of a Bureau, with a maximum of seven members, which is assigned a number of important functions. From 17 June 2022, the composition of GRECO's Bureau is the following :Marin MRČELA (Croatia) - President and Ms Monika OLSSON (Sweden) - Vice-President; Panagiota VATIKALOU (Greece), António DELICADO (Portugal), Vita HABJAN BARBORIČ (Slovenia), Olivier GONIN (Switzerland) and David MEYER (United Kingdom) - members. (more...)
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