Non-governmental organisations / Organisations non-gouvernementales
You find below direct access to websites of non-governmental-organisations that plays a major role also in the fight against corruption.
- AIM (with a dossier on Corruption in the countries of South-Eastern Europe)
- Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies
- Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
- Center for the Study of Corruption and the Rule of Law (CSC)
- Coalition 2000 (Bulgaria)
- Freedom House
- Global Policy Forum
- Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), New South Wales (Australia)
- International Association of Judges / Union international des magistrats
- International Association of Prosecutors (see Recommendations on Combating Corruption in Public Administration)
- International Bar Association
- International Chamber of Commerce
- International Commission of Jurists
- International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
- Internet Center for Corruption Research
- National Legal and Policy Center - promotion of ethics in government (USA)
- National Whistleblower Center (USA)
- Reporter sans Frontières
- The Southeast European Legal Development Initiative (SELDI)
- Transparency International
Group of States against corruption / Groupe d'Etats contre la corruption
Web resources
National Anti-Corruption Authorities
European and International organisations
Non-governmental organisations
Research Institutes and Centres
Anti-corruption platform (PACE)
Elections: the Council of Europe’s role
Action against economic crime (Council of Europe)
Events (Council of Europe)