Back No. 109/2014 Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) v. Belgium

The complaint registered on 30 April 2014, relates to Articles 15 (right of persons with disabilities to independence, social integration and participation in the life of the community) and 17 (right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection) of the Revised European Social Charter. The complaint alleges that Belgium has failed to provide education and training for children with intellectual and mental disabilities who are denied access to mainstream education and to the supports necessary to ensure such inclusion, in violation of the above mentioned provisions.

Case Document no. 1, Complaint registered on 30 April 2014

Case Document no. 2, Submissions of the Government on admissibility and the merits

Case Document no. 3, Response from MDAC to the Government's submissions on admissibility and the merits

Case Document no. 4, Observations by the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities

 Case Document no. 5, Additional information from the Government on the "M Decree"