Back 2020 Activity Report of the Division of Elections and Civil Society presented and approved by the European Committee on Democracy and Governance

2020 Activity Report of the Division of Elections and Civil Society presented and approved by the European Committee on Democracy and Governance

On 25-27 November 2020, the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) hold its 12th plenary session. The annual activity report of the Division of Elections and Civil Society was presented by Mr François Friederich, Head of the Division. The CDDG welcomed and approved the 2020 Activity report and will be delighted to work closely with the Division and to provide guidance on on-going and future projects.

The Division of Elections and Civil Society (Directorate General of Democracy) at the Council of Europe provides advice and technical assistance to the member states on various aspects of elections and civil participation, including capacity building of electoral stakeholders and voters’ awareness raising, creating favourable and effective legislative and practical frameworks for civil participation and civil society development at the national and municipal levels, as well as developing innovative tools for citizens’ active participation in electoral and public decision-making processes.

The 2020 annual report of the Division represents the results of its work, including activities implemented within some country specific programmes, as well as prospects for the future assistance and support as to ensuring that elections are held in line with the Council of Europe electoral acquis and European good practices, and that civil participation has a real impact on the decision-making processes in the Council of Europe Member States. Mr Friederich highlighted some of the pan-European instruments which have been elaborated by the Division, such as the URSO Methodology on electoral co-operation, Council of Europe Electoral Laboratory (ElecLab), the Compendium of Electoral Data (ElecData) and the Toolbox: Rebooting democracy through citizen participation.

Strasbourg, France 28 November 2020
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