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Post-election conference on 2019 Parliamentary Election and General local elections in Republic of Moldova

Members of the Central Election Commission (CEC), including former ones, policy and law makers, representatives of the Constitutional Court, Ombudsman office, political parties, international community, local and international observation missions, media and civil society discussed the 2019 Parliamentary Election and General local elections in Republic of Moldova at the conference organised by the Council of Europe in collaboration with the CEC on 19-20 December 2019 in Chisinau.

The aim of the conference was to analyse the context in which these elections were held including from legal and technical perspectives as well as to hear from international and national election observation missions’ their assessment and recommendations for future improvements of the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova and how to ensure their proper follow-up.

The conference was opened by Dorin Cimil, chairman of the CEC and Mr Francois Friederich, Head of Division of the Electoral Assistance of the Council of Europe (CoE). Conference was divided into four panels: Nomination and registration of candidates (for the Mayor/Councilor/MPs), Establishing and organising the activity of lower electoral bodies; Training of election officials and other interested parts (General Local Elections/Parliamentary Elections/Republican consultative referendum); Amending the electoral legal framework: challenges and solutions (electoral campaigning, electoral disputes resolution), Financing the initiative groups and electoral campaign.

A special emphasis was put on discussing the opportunities and challenges for the next 2020 Presidential election and the necessity to establish effective dialogue platforms aimed at improving the electoral practice in Moldova in line with the European election standards, including the CoE aquis.

Among other important topics there were brought out: Media coverage of the electoral campaign, Exercise of voting rights by certain categories of voters: accessibility for certain voters (from abroad, persons with disabilities etc.), Information technologies in elections, as well as the Strategic plans for the CEC of the Republic of Moldova, the Training Centre and the CEC of Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia.

The post-election conference is jointly organised by the Council of Europe and the CEC within the on-going project on electoral assistance to the Moldovan authorities.

Press releases

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 19-20 December 2019
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