
Council of Europe, Strasbourg (Room 7, Palais)

29 June 2016, 9.30 am - 1 July 2016, 5.00 pm
  1. Opening of the meeting


Abridged report of the 38th meeting of the T-PD Bureau (22-24 March 2016)


Abridged report of the 37th meeting of the T-PD Bureau (9-11 December 2015)


Abridged report of the 36th meeting of the T-PD Bureau (6-8 October 2015)


Abridged report of the 32nd T-PD Plenary meeting (1-3 July 2015)


Work programme of the T-PD 2016-2017


T-PD’s rules of procedure

  2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Statement by the Secretariat

Jan Kleijssen, Director, Directorate of Information Society and Action against Crime


4. Modernisation of Convention 108

Experts: Ms. Cécile de Terwangne, Professor Law Faculty, Namur University (FUNDP), CRIDS Research Director, Namur, Belgium: Ms. Claire Gayrel, researcher at CRIDS, FUNDP, Belgium

a. Required action: The Committee will take note of the outcomes of the work of the CAHDATA (draft amending Protocol to Convention 108 and draft explanatory report to the modernised version of the Convention), will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the draft questionnaire on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism.

Strasbourg, 15-16 June 2016

Draft explanatory report of the modernised Convention 108 New! 22/06/2016

Expert: Mr Dariusz Kloza, Doctoral researcher at the Research Group on Law Science Technology and Society (LSTS), Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium and at Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).


Abridged report of the CAHDATA meeting (15-16 June 2016) New! 22/06/2016


Draft questionnaire on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism New! 22/06/2016


Information elements on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism


b. Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert relating to the cooperation between DPAs and will decide on the follow-up to give to, in view of the 38th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.


Report of the expert. New! 30/06/2016


5. State of Play – Accession

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.


6. Big Data

Expert: Mr Alessandro Mantelero, Tenured Aggregate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the revised version of the draft Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data with a view to their adoption.

T-PD-BUR(2015)12Rev Draft Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data
T-PD(2016)06Mos Compilation of comments received. New! 24 06 2016
T-PD(2016)06MosADD Addendum to Compilation of comments received. New! 28 06 2016 
T-PD-BUR(2015)09Rev Report: “Of Data and Men” - Fundamental rights and freedoms in a world of massive data (Report by Antoinette Rouvroy)

7. Protection of medical data

Expert: Ms. Jeanne Bossi Malafosse, Counsel, DLA Piper France LLP, Paris, France

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the revised version of the draft Recommendation, with a view to its approval and transmission to the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI)

Draft Explanatory memorandum of the Recommendation on the protection of health data New! 24 06 2016 (French version only)

T-PD(2016)04Rev Draft Recommendation on the protection of health data
T-PD(2016)07Mos Compilation of comments received. New! 24 06 2016
T-PD(2016)07MosADD Addendum to compilation of comments received. New! 28 06 2016 
T-PD(2015)07 Presentation report on the possible update of the Recommendation n° R (97) 5 on the protection of medical data by Ms. Jeanne Bossi Malafosse
  Recommendation No. R (97) 5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection of medical data

8. Data protection and police

Experts: Ms Evelien van Beek, Senior advisor, Data Protection Authority, the Netherlands; Mr David Allen, Head of the International Crime Bureau, Intelligence and Operations Directorate, National Crime Agency, United Kingdom

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the experts and will examine the revised version of the draft practical guide with a view to its adoption.

T-PD(2016)02rev Draft practical guide on the use of personal data in the police sector
T-PD(2016)08Mos Compilation of comments received. New! 24 06 2016

Addendum to Compilation of comments received. New! 24 06 2016


Recommendation No. R (87) 15 - “Twenty–five years down the line - Final report” by Joseph A. Cannataci

  Recommendation No. R (87) 15 regulating the use of personal data in the police sector

9. Automatic exchange of Personal Data

Expert: Mr Filippo Noseda, Solicitor – Partner – Head of Department - Withers LLP

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert.

Guidelines on the criteria to ensure compliance with data protection requirements in the context of the automatic exchange of personal data for tax purposes. (adopted on 16 December 2015)

Automatic exchange of Personal data in tax matters by Filippo Noseda

T-PD(2014)05 Opinion on the implications for data protection of mechanisms for automatic inter-state exchanges of data for administrative and tax purposes
T-PD-BUR(2014)01 Report on the implications for data protection of the growing use of mechanisms for automatic inter-state exchanges of personal data for administrative and tax purposes, as well as in connection with money laundering, financing of terrorism and corruption

10. Data Protection and Media Coverage

Expert: Mr Bertil Cottier, tenured professor (communication law) and former Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Lugano, Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Lausanne (Internet Governance) and visiting Professor at the Academy of Journalism (University of Neuchâtel).

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the draft text with a view to its adoption.


Draft Guiding Principles on the Protection of Privacy in the Media Coverage

T-PD(2016)13Mos Compilation of comments received - Draft Guiding Principles on the Protection of Privacy in the Media Coverage. New! 24 06 2016
T-PD(2016)13MosADD Addendum to Compilation of comments received. New! 28 06 2016

11. Cooperation with other Council of Europe Bodies

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.


12. Overview of activities and major developments in the field of data protection

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.

European Conference of Data Protection Authorities, Budapest, 25-26 May 2016

International Conference “Convention 108: from a European reality to a global treaty”, Strasbourg, 17 June 2016

T-PD(2016)10Mos Information on the recent developments at national level in the data protection field
T-PD(2016)11Mos Compilation of experts’ reports. New! 23 06 2016

13. Opinion

Expert: Marie Georges, independent expert

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will examine the revised version of the draft Opinion on Passengers Name Record (PNR) with a view to its adoption.

T-PD-BUR(2015)11rev2 Draft opinion on Passengers Name Record (PNR)
T-PD(2016)12Mos Compilation of comments received. New! 24 06 2016
T-PD(2016)12MosADD Addendum to Compilation of comments received. New! 28 06 2016
T-PD(2015)11 Passenger Name Records, data mining and data protection: the need for strong safeguards - Draft Council of Europe’s report by Mr Douwe Korff and Ms. Marie Georges
T-PD(2016)17 Compilation of opinions

14. Cooperation Projects

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.

Data Protection and privacy rights - Presentation by Eva Pastrana “HELP in the 28” Programme Coordinator in the Council of Europe

T-PD(2016)14 Council of Europe cooperation projects in the data protection field. New! 29 06 2016

15. Data Protection Commissioner

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Council of Europe Data Protection Commissioner.


16. Observers

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the observers, will take note of the document relating to the participation of the observers and will decide on the follow-up.

T-PD(2016)05 Observers - State of play and admission criteria. New! 27 06 2016

17. Data Protection Day

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.

DPD(2016)compilation_mos Compilation of Data Protection Day forms 2016

18. Elections

Required action: The Committee will proceed to the elections.

T-PD(2016)16 Memorandum concerning elections. New! 22/06/2016

19. Next meetings

Required action: The Committee will take note of the proposed dates for the next meetings.

  20. Any Other Business

Draft order of business

(provisional and subject to change in light of the work pace)
  29 June 2016 30 June 2016 1 July 2016
Opening 9.30 pm 09:30 am 9:30 am
Morning Items 1,2,3,6,9 Item 7,4a,13 Items 4b,5,8,12,14
Lunch 01:00-2:30 pm 01:00-2:30 pm 01:00-2:30 pm
Afternoon Items 6,7 Items 4a,10,13,15,16 Items 11,17 to 20
End 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm
Informal gathering 8:00 pm Pro Merito Medal Award Cocktail (6:00 pm)
6:30 - 7:30 pm 
Screening of the film “Democracy”* 
Room 7