Transversal and sectorial reviews
Two other review types have been developed around the core of the national cultural policy reviews: transversal reviews have the purpose to investigate a specific cultural policy issue in a comparative way; sectorial reviews provide a detailed picture of a specific sector and its policy requirements.
Transversal reviews
National institutions in transition
This study, carried out in 1998-1999, involved six states: Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands and Poland. It analysed how the development of the global economy has encouraged various forms of désétatisation within national administrations. In many cases this has led to a sharing of the responsibility with the private sector. Many national cultural institutions are no longer exclusively the responsibility of the state in terms of management and financing. The changes are expressed in the legal status of these institutions, and in the way in which they function.
Final report: John Myerscough et al.: National cultural institutions in transition: 'desétatisation' and privatisation. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2001 - CC-CULT(2001)10 (PDF).
Cultural policy and cultural diversity
This transversal study (2001-2003) dealt with the situation of cultural diversity and the national diversity policy in 15 countries: Austria, Belgium (French Community), Bulgaria, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in the first round, whereas the second round put an emphasis on diversity in different parts of Eastern Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Sectorial reviews
Book policies
The national policies concerning the book sector have been examined in the context of the Electronic Publishing, Books and Archives project which ran from 1992 to 2000. National book policy reviews have been carried out for Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania and the Slovak Republic.
These studies helped the new democracies to adjust their legislation and administrative framework to the market economy, and to adopt policies which support the book sector.
The STAGE project, assisting the countries in the South Caucasus in the transition of their cultural policies, later established similar book sector reviews for Armenia (2002) and Georgia (2003).
Film policies
A study on film support policies in Europe was carried out from 2008: Review of national film policies and led to Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)7of the Committee of Ministers to member states on national film policies and the diversity of cultural expressions.