Location of the initiative:
CROATIA - City of Vodnjan-Dignano
Relation to Strategy 21 Recommendations:
D7 - give consideration to heritage in sustainable tourism development policies
Time span of the initiative:
The project “Moj kažun – La mia casita” started in May 2007 and it takes place every year during May (this year from 11.-26.05.2018.)
Objectives of the initiative:
Protect, valorise and preserve this great historic and cultural treasure: dry stone walls (suhozidi - masiere), huge piles of stone (gromače-groumasi) and dry-stone houses (kažuni)
Brief assessment of the initiative’s results:
This dry-stone field houses have been a structural element of Vodnjan rural area for centuries. After the formation of urban settlements, farmers started clearing the land, carrying to the edge of the field all the stones their plow was encountering while pulling them out from the soil. By putting all these stones on one place they created dry stone walls (masiere), huge piles of stone (gromače-groumasi) and dry-stone houses (kažuni). Kažun represented a shelter from the rain and hot sun, a place for farmers to spend the night if their work wasn’t finished during that day, and it also served as a protection from thieves during the harvest time.
Today their original function is run over by mechanization and modern ways of growing the land. Despite that fact, their significance and the need to preserve them is constantly grooving. During the 12-year period, more than 200 “kažuni” were rebuilt, which also contributed to the making of 20 km cycling trails that connect olive groves, vineyards, country churches and important archeological findings.
The need for the proper valorization of “kažuni” lead to the creation of “museum on the open” – kažuni theme park- in the 2013. The main task is to educate the visitors about the kažuni building technique. The Park became a famous tourist attraction with a constantly growing number of domestic and foreign visitors. It represents not only a “museum on the open”, but a sort of a laboratory, where anyone interested in the building techniques can participate and make their contribution to the Park.
Online resources:
- http://www.vodnjan.hr/cmsmedia/dokumenti/manifestacije/moj%20kazun_flyer%202017.pdf
- https://www.myistria.com/sk/moj-kazun-la-mia-casita-1249
- http://www.vodnjan.hr/hr/manifestacije-/akcija-moj-kazun---la-mia-casita
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akcijaMojkazun/
Grad Vodnjan-Dignano
Trgovačka 2,
Nensi Giachin Marsetič
tel. 00385 52 535 953
e-mail: [email protected]