International Conference on the Investigation and Prosecution of Terrorist Offences Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict

15-16 May 2024, Strasbourg, France

On 15-16 May 2024, the Council of Europe organised an International Conference on the Investigation and Prosecution of Terrorist Offences Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict. The Conference focused on the complex interaction of counter-terrorism and the laws applicable during armed conflict and the experience of States in holding accountable the perpetrators of serious crimes committed in this context. It featured notable contributions from prosecutors, academic experts and representatives of regional and international organisations working at the nexus of terrorism and armed conflict.

International Conference on the Abuse of Livestreaming, Gaming and Virtual Reality Services and Platforms by Terrorist Actors

6-7 November 2023, Strasbourg, France

On 6-7 November 2023, the Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT) held an International Conference on the Abuse of Livestreaming, Gaming and Virtual Reality Services and Platforms by Terrorist Actors, at the Council of Europe premises and broadcast live through Zoom.

Digital Conference on “Countering Terrorist Communications: Terrorist Propaganda, Public Provocation, Recruitment and Radicalisation”

31 January - 1 February 2023, Strasbourg, France
The Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT) organised a Digital Conference on “Countering Terrorist Communications: Terrorist Propaganda, Public Provocation, Recruitment and Radicalisation”, at the Council of Europe premises on 31 January to 1 February 2023.

International Conference on the Roles of Women and Children in TerrorismInternational Conference on the Roles of Women and Children in Terrorism

15-16 December 2021 - Strasbourg, France

The CDCT, in collaboration with other relevant bodies of the Council of Europe, namely, the Gender Equality Commission (GEC), the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe held an International Conference on the Roles of Women and Children in Terrorism at the Council of Europe Premises, in hybrid format, on 15-16 December 2021.


Terrorism and Organised Crime

25 - 26 September 2014 - Málaga, Spain

The aim of the conference was to identify best practices from the fight against terrorism and other forms of serious organised crime, to examine the potential for cross-fertilisation in policy-making in these areas and to encourage the adoption of a comprehensive approach to the prevention and combating of terrorism and other forms of serious organised crime.

IstanbulNational and International Coordination

24 - 25 October 2013 - Istanbul, Turkey

The conference aimed to identify good practices in counter-terrorism coordination on national and international levels and to explore ways of improving coordination between intergovernmental, regional and supranational organisations in counter-terrorism field. 


Use of Special Investigation Techniques

14 - 15 May 2013 - Strasbourg, France

Participants tried to bring a broader perspective to examining the existing international legal frameworks governing the use of such techniques, to identify new developments in this area since the adoption of Recommendation Rec(2005)10, to exchange views on the challenges faced by states and on best practices to overcome these challenges while fully respecting Human Rights and the Rule of law.
