Back A pool of trainers on Motivational Interviewing techniques created within the prison system of the Republic of Moldova

A pool of trainers on Motivational Interviewing techniques created within the prison system of the Republic of Moldova

15 specialists from the prison system gained professional skills in delivering training to peers on Motivational Interviewing. The Training of Trainers (ToT) was a consolidation exercise following the piloting of a Risk and Needs Assessment tool (RNA) in prisons, for a more accurate and responsive decision making on offenders’ rehabilitation and reintegration interventions.

During 2 days of intensive training and another 2 days of supervised simulations, participants were guided through and presented with the Motivational Interviewing techniques and the Cycle of Change model. By practicing in applying this model on a variety of situations inspired from their everyday work and simulating the delivery of brief sessions to their peers, participants became more familiar and confident in provoking discussions about change; observe statements and gestures that recognize the strength of the client and behaviours that lead to positive change; applied reflective listening and other techniques to involve the clients and encourage motivation for change. Participants expressed their commitment to introducing new approaches and techniques into their routine and, in parallel, start providing the training for their colleagues in Resocialisation Sections from attending prisons.

The ToT session was facilitated by the Council of Europe consultants and was attended by the Resocialisation Department of the National Administration of Penitentiaries and specialists from 4 prisons. The activity was organised under the auspices of the Project “Strengthening the prison and probation reforms, provision of health care and the treatment of patients in closed institutions in the Republic of Moldova”, financed through the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova (2021-2024) and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Moldova 14 June 2022
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