Supporting national efforts for prevention and combating discrimination in Moldova
Moldovan Police supported in combating discrimination and bias-motivated offences
Discrimination and bias-motivated offenses pose significant challenges to social cohesion, individual well-being, and community safety. Police officers play a crucial role in this respect, promoting equality, protecting vulnerable populations, ultimately ensuring justice.
Status: Completed
Duration: July 2015 – December 2018
Geographic coverage: Republic of Moldova
Focus Area: Contribute to the enhancement of human rights protection and strengthening of anti-discrimination; support the alignment of Human Rights policies and practice by ensuring compliance of legislative and regulatory frameworks with European standards; strengthen the capacities of legal professionals and Human Rights Institutions.
Senior project officer: Diana Cealic, e-mail address:
Beneficiaries: Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring the Equality; Ombudsperson Office; citizens who should enjoy equal rights and better protection against discrimination.
Project Summary
The joint European Union and Council of Europe project - Supporting national efforts for prevention and combating discrimination in Moldova is part of the Partnership for Good Governance
Location: Republic of Moldova
Implementing Agency: Council of Europe- Support to the Human Rights National Implementation Division, Human Rights Policy and Development Department, Human Rights Directorate, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law
Budget/funding: Total: EUR 796,965.00 funded by the European Union under the Partnership for Good Governance
Duration of the action: 42 months (July 2015 – December 2018)
Beneficiaries: Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring the Equality and Ombudsperson Office
Final beneficiaries: The general population who should enjoy equal rights and better protection against discrimination in line with the European standards
General objective
To contribute to the enhancement of human rights protection and strengthening of anti-discrimination in Moldova
Assessment of the Law 121 on ensuring equality
Assessment of the Law 298 on the activity of the Equality Council
Opinion on the draft law: Hate Crimes and Holocaust Denial - amending and supplementing certain acts
National Communication Strategy for Prevention of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality
Raport: Evaluarea atitudinilor populației generale față de persoanele în etate
Equality Bodies as Amicus Curiae
Studiu privind percepţiile şi atitudinile faţă de egalitate în Republica Moldova
Expected results
The Moldovan legislation on non-discrimination is aligned to the European standards and implemented taking into consideration the cross-cutting nature of discrimination in the realisation of all human rights;
- The Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring the Equality (‘the Council’) is fully operational and implements effectively its preventive, monitoring and remediation functions in regard to discrimination on all grounds;
- The national regulatory framework and practice in the field of protection of social rights are aligned with the provisions of the European Social Charter and the principles of the Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter.
Outcome indicators
Adopted anti-discrimination legislation is in line with European Standards. Subordinated normative acts and Council’s Strategy and guidelines respect the provisions of the European Social Charter
- Policy and decision makers understand and apply the provisions of revised/new legislation regarding non-discrimination;
- The institutional capacity for monitoring and examination of complaints on alleged discrimination is increased;
- By the end of the action, the number of adopted decisions/recommendations and follow up on their implementation by the Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring the Equality is increased.