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Moldova Internet User’s Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Day

The first ever international conference on “The Internet User’s Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Day” in the Republic of Moldova was organised under the Joint Project of the Council of Europe and the European Union “Strengthening the respect for human rights in the implementation of the Republic of Moldova’s Digital Agenda” on 28 April 2016.

The conference highlighted a series of key actions and activities that seek to protect the freedom, privacy and security of Internet users and to empower and engage them as stakeholders in Internet governance dialogue.

The event aimed to promote the idea of an Internet multi-stakeholder platform in the Republic of Moldova to underline both the Council of Europe and Moldova’s vision of a people-centered approach to the Internet policies.

The discussions focused on further harmonisation of the Internet legal framework of the Republic of Moldova with the Council of Europe standards with regard to remedies for human rights violations and other interferences with freedom of expression and right to private life.

he Conference organised in the framework of Moldova ICT Summit 2016 ( by the Council of Europe in partnership with the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Moldova and Moldovan Association of ICT Companies gathered approx. 100 participants, representing International Organisations, Council of Europe and EU experts, parliament and government representatives, civil society, private sector and academia, which came together to discuss the impact of the Internet on human rights, rule of law and democracy in Europe as well as in the Republic of Moldova.

The participants acknowledged the emerging risks and benefits for Internet users in the Republic of Moldova, and the stressed the need for strengthening capacities of national authorities on Internet human rights standards, awareness rising among the private sector, civil society and general public on those standards.

 Recording of the conference

 Agenda of the conference

 Facebook page of the ICT summit


Chisinau 28.04.2016
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Project Content
Relevant publications and materials

Committee of Ministers Recommendations, Resolutions and Declarations adopted in the Internet Governance field

The Organization has committed to promote Internet governance Recommendations, Declarations and Principles and has called on its member states to uphold them when developing Internet related public policies. It has also encouraged other stakeholders to embrace them in the exercise of their own responsibilities.

Publications developed by the Council of Europe:

The Rule of Law on the Internet and in the Wider Digital World

Brochure on The Council of Europe and the Internet

Maximise rights - Minimise Restrictions leaflet

Project Overview

Status: Active

Duration: The project started in July 2015 and is designed for 18 months.

Geographic coverage: Georgia, Moldova and regional dimension.

Focus Area: To increase awareness and respect for human rights, in particular freedom of expression and private life, in developing the information society in the Republic of Moldova.

Partners: Public officials of the relevant national authorities: Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, Ministry of Education, including teaching staff, e-Government Center, national Internet Service Providers, academia and civil society.

Implementing authority: Council of Europe-Information Society Department, Information Society and Actions against Crime Directorate, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law and Council of Europe Office in Moldova.

Point of Contact:

Natalia Rusu, Project Officer

Tel.: +373 22 888-911