What is the project about?       

The project aims to strengthen democratic governance in the Republic of Moldova through effective civil participation at national and local levels. The project seeks to enhance citizen and civil society organisation’s engagement in decision-making beyond elections. It focuses on ensuring that political decisions at local and national levels are informed by recommendations from diverse societal sectors, including women, youth, and marginalised groups, reflecting the needs and opinions of all citizens. The project also strives to motivate young people to actively participate in decision-making processes, ensuring their voices are heard in pilot municipalities. Additionally, it works on developing and improving legislation to ensure effective citizen engagement.

 What is the policy context?

The Republic of Moldova’s ambition to improve the quality of local democracy and to facilitate civil society participation in decision-making at all levels are among the commitments in the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2025-2028. In Moldova, participatory democracy is advancing through strategies like the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2023-2030, the 2030 National Development Strategy, and the strategy for the development of the youth sector emphasising public consultation and participation in policy making, youth engagement, as well as transparency and accountability. Efforts such as the creation of a parliamentary dialogue platform and the Moldova OGP Action Plan 2023-2025 also further these goals.

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe supports these endeavours by monitoring the situation of local democracy and through co-operation to foster closer alignment of the local self-government framework with the principles enshrined in the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and by supporting central and local authorities to implement key standards such as the 2023 Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on Deliberative Democracy, the 2018 Recommendation on the participation of citizens in local public life, the 2018 Recommendation on Strengthening Civil Society Space in Europe and the 2017 Guidelines for Civil Participation in Political Decision-Making.

 Who benefits from the project?

The target groups of the project are public officials and civil servants at local, regional, and central levels, civil society organisations, as well as teachers, educators, and youth workers. The project will involve residents of pilot municipalities, youth-oriented organisations, and youth centres. Ultimately, children and young people, underrepresented groups, and residents of pilot municipalities will benefit from increased opportunities to participate in decision-making.

 Who are our national partners?

  • Pilot public authorities (villages and towns, municipalities);
  • The Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM);
  • The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development;
  • The Ministry of Education and Research;
  • The State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova;
  • The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.

Project Team


Project manager (Chișinău)

Email: [email protected]


Project Assistant (Chișinău)

Email: [email protected]


Project Coordinator (Strasbourg)

Email: [email protected]

 Marite MORAS

Project Supervisor (Strasbourg)

Email: [email protected]