Back 2015.03.10 Call for participation

The Council of Europe Programme “Confidence Building Measures across the River Nistru/Dniester” launches a competition for NGOs, predominantly from the rural areas of both banks of the river Nistru / Dniester, working with and for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of the population (including but not limited to children, particularly orphans, children of low-income families, children who are disabled, youth, adult persons with disabilities etc.), to participate in a series of activities aimed at enabling them to effectively engage in a dialogue and cooperation with local public authorities (LPA).

The selected NGOs, along with LPA representatives, will benefit from two trainings provided by a multidisciplinary team of experts, led by the Association “Workshop for Solutions” (Riga, Latvia). The trainings will be conducted in Russian, with simultaneous interpretation into Romanian, during the following periods:

  • Methods of cooperation between NGOs and local authorities (07-09 April 2015, “Vatra” hotel, Vadul-lui-Voda);
  • Building cooperation and developing ideas of mutual interest by NGOs and LPAs (04-06 May 2015, “Vatra” hotel, Vadul-lui-Voda);

During the trainings participants will have the opportunity to learn about various cooperation models between LPAs and NGOs, with relevant practical examples, designed to build a platform for dialogue and co-operation between NGOs and local public authorities.

The trainings will be followed by a study visit to one of the Council of Europe member states, where participants will learn about the best practices and valid methods of cooperation between NGOs and local authorities in promoting economic, social and cultural rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of the population. The study visit is planned for 25-27 May 2015.

Application procedure

Applications are invited from the representatives of NGOs located in the rural areas of both banks of the River Nistru/Dniester. All applicants shall:

  • Work in the interest of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups of the population;
  • Be a decision-maker within the NGO and have at least 3 years of relevant experience;
  • Be familiar with issues affecting the rights of persons from vulnerable and disadvantaged groups;
  • Be available to attend both trainings and the study visit on the above-mentioned dates (no substitutes will be allowed).

Persons selected for participation in these training sessions are expected to have sufficient experience to develop effective cooperation with local authorities.

All applicants shall provide by March 17, 2015 the following:

  • A motivation letter explaining the reasons for the interest in the program and how the acquired knowledge and skills will be applied in practice;
  • The CV of the applicant that clearly outlines relevant experience;
  • The copy of the NGO registration certificate.
  • A short description of the NGO, including its activities and experience in the area addressed by the trainings, and the applicant’s role in these activities.
  • A copy of the passport valid for international travel;

All applications should be submitted in Romanian or Russian to the email address [email protected]

Contact person: Violeta Frunze, Project Officer; Council of Europe Office in Chisinau; E-mail: [email protected] ; Tel.: 022 888-904

Versiunea în limba Română

Версия на русском языке

This activity is implemented by the Council of Europe with funds from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) within the project ”Support to confidence-building measures across the Nistru River”.