Back William Massolin, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau speaks about ways to fight Child Sexual Abuse

William Massolin, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau speaks about ways to fight Child Sexual Abuse

On 18th November 2020, William Massolin, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau participated in the TV show “Dimensiunea Europeană” at national Television “Teleradio Moldova”, on the occasion of celebrating the European Day for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.

The main topic of the discussion was the European Day for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, its aim and the focus of the 2020 edition. Mr Massolin also discussed the general state of affairs in this field in the Republic of Moldova.

During the interview, William Massolin mentioned that the main problematic issue identified by the Council of Europe in the child protection system is the response mechanism to child sexual exploitation and abuse, he put forward possible solutions in this respect. At the same time, the previous and current assistance provided by the Council of Europe to national authorities to overcome the shortcomings were underlined and discussed. Furthermore, the future plans in this area were presented.

The child sexual abuse issue cannot be solved by a single organisation or authority. To overcome the systemic issues related to child sexual abuse and exploitation, coordinated efforts of all relevant authorities are needed in order to prevent, investigate and combat such cases”, stressed William Massolin, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau.

The same aspects were shortly addressed during an interview offered by William Massolin for the TV show ”Matinalii” at the TVR Moldova, which is also broadcasted in Romania and at international level.

The interviews were organised within the framework of the Council of Europe project Combating violence against children in the Republic of Moldova, under the ”Increased awareness on child sexual abuse and exploitation and the rights of the child in the digital environment” component.

Links to TV shows/interviews:



chisinau 19 november 2020
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