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Internet literacy for teachers

On 17 August 2021, the Council of Europe project Combating violence against children in the Republic of Moldova organised an online event on presenting the Internet literacy handbook for teachers in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research, municipal and district Education Departments, teachers and International Center “La Strada” took part in the online event.

The aim of the event was to present the main purpose and scope of the Internet literacy handbook, challenges encountered by the educational system in the field of safe internet use, actions implemented in this area, as well as necessary measures to be undertaken in this respect.

The Internet literacy handbook contains a set of tips on how to get to grips with nowadays’ ever-increasing flow of online information. The contents of the Handbook can be used as a tool for training purposes, for all age-groups.

”Considering that the teacher is one of the most important mentors for children, it is significant for him/her to be aware of all online risks for children and possess corresponding knowledge and capacities to use the internet, as well as to prevent and intervene in any kind of online child abuse”, stressed Giulia Re, the Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau.

"Any information or material that comes to explain the safe use of the internet is welcome in the context of the pandemic period, when many children have studied online. I hope that this handbook will generate good ideas and practices for teachers in the application of the school curriculum in case children will return to online studies”, mentioned Valentin Crudu, head of the General Education Department, Ministry of Education and Research.

The event contributes towards achieving the Project’s immediate outcome 4 “Improved skills and know-how of professionals to respond to violence against children and promote child-friendly practices”.

chisinau 17 august 2021
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