Back Employees of the National Administration of Penitentiaries and the National Probation Inspectorate have enhanced their knowledge and skills in working with minors

Employees of the National Administration of Penitentiaries and the National Probation Inspectorate have enhanced their knowledge and skills in working with minors

The Council of Europe Project "Preventing and protecting children from violence, including oin the digital environment in the Republic of Moldova", organised a meeting with representatives of the National Probation Inspectorate and the National Administration of Penitentiaries. The purpose of the meeting was to present the training manuals developed in close cooperation with the mentioned institutions.

The training manuals were developed with the aim of contributing to the development of the capacities of professionals within the National Probation Inspectorate and the National Administration of Penitentiaries in working with children in conflict with the law, including methods to improve the supervision process and procedures involving minors who have committed offences related to child sexual abuse and exploitation.

At the same time, the meeting was an occasion to discuss further training actions for professionals from the National Probation Inspectorate and the National Administration of Penitentiaries.

The aim of the Council of Europe project is to strengthen the response to violence against children, including online sexual exploitation and abuse of children. This activity falls under the Project’s intermediate outcome 1 “Law enforcement and the judicial sector effectively investigate and prosecute child sexual abuse cases in a child-friendly manner and according to European standards”.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 16 May 2024
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