CEPEJ Member: Ekaterina TODOROVA
Chief Expert, International Legal Cooperation and European Affairs Directorate
Ministry of Justice
1 Slavyanska,1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgaria - European Cyberjustice Network member (ECN)
Ekaterina TODOROVA
State Expert, International Legal Co-operation and European Affairs Directorate
Ministry of Justice
Daniela Marcheva
Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Correspondent
State Expert
International Legal Co-operation and European Affairs Directorate
Ministry of Justice
1 Slavyanska Str 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria
Pilot Court
District Court of Burgas
Alexandrovska 101, 8000 BURGAS
Evaluation Exercise
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2022 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2020 Edition / New: country sheet for Bulgaria 2020 edition translated in Bulgarian
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2018 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2016 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2014 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2012 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2010 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2008 Edition
- Bulgaria: Evaluation exercise - 2006 Edition
- Bulgaria: Pilot scheme
Translations of CEPEJ documents :
- CEPEJ 2020 evaluation report - Part 1 (Tables, graphs and analysis)
- Guidelines on the role of court-appointed experts in judicial proceedings of Council of Europe’s Member States (CEPEJ(2014)14) : Насоки за ролята на вещите лица, назначени от съда в съдебното производство в държавите членки на Съвета на Европа
- Guidelines on the organisation and accessibility of court premises (CEPEJ(2014)15) : европейска комисия за ефективност на правосъдието (CEPEJ) - Насоки за организацията и достъпността на съдебните сгради
- Revised SATURN guidelines for judicial time management (CEPEJ(2014)16) - Ръководна група на център САТУРН за управление на времето на съдебното производство (CEPEJ-САТУРН) - ревизирани насоки на сатурн - за управление на времето на съдебното производство (2-ра редакция)
- Guidelines on the Creation of Judicial Maps to Support Access to Justice within a Quality Judicial System: работна група по качество на правосъдието (CEPEJ(2013)7rev) : Преработено ръководство за създаване на съдебни карти за подпомагане на достъпа до правосъдие в рамките на качествена съдебна система
Links to relevant Institutions
- Ministry of Justice
- Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria
- Supreme Administrative Court
- Supreme Judicial Council
- Legal texts (Codes, laws, regulations etc.)
Vss.justice - Case-law of the higher court/s
Sac.government - Other documents (e.g. forms)
Recent developments in the judicial field
- Information on the progress achieved in the area of Justice during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (January-June 2018)
- Yambol administrative Court of Bulgaria, Winner of the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize for innovative Court practices : Equal before the law, but not always equal before the language – Improving communication between courts and citizens
- A CEPEJ meeting, in the framework of a targeted cooperation, concerning criteria for individual evaluation of judges took place in Sofia from 21 to 22 January 2009. On this occasion, Miglena Tacheva, Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, has officialy asked the CEPEJ delegation to prepare an expertise on the actual methodology of evaluation of the judges work in Bulgaria, with an aim of a reform in the weeks to come. The delegation was also received at the Council for the Judiciary.
Organisational chart of the system of justice
Not available.
Collaborative workspaces: