Human Rights Comment

Learning from the pandemic to better fulfil the right to health

23/04/2020 Strasbourg

The COVID-19 pandemic has concentrated minds about the resilience of our health care systems and it is challenging member states’ health policies and their effectiveness. In addition, doctors, medical staff and health care staff are under unprecedented pressure. Do we have sufficient medical...

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Human Rights Comment

European states must demonstrate resolve for lasting and concrete change for Roma people

04/04/2019 Strasbourg

On 8 April, we will celebrate International Roma Day. This is a day to celebrate Roma culture and Roma contributions to European societies, and the cultural diversity of Europe. The 8th of April, which commemorates the first World Romani Congress held in London in April 1971, should also be a...

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Human Rights Comment

Travellers – Time to counter deep-rooted hostility

04/02/2016 Strasbourg

In October 2015, 10 persons died in a fire which broke in a Travellers’ site near Dublin. Following this tragic event, neighbours prevented the authorities from providing alternative accommodation to the surviving members of the group on a nearby site by blocking roads leading to the new site....

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Human Rights Comment

Time to cure amnesia about the history of Roma in Europe

30/07/2015 Strasbourg

In a few days, we will commemorate the liquidation 71 years ago of the so-called “Gypsy family camp” at Auschwitz-Birkenau. On 2 August 1944, 2 897 persons were taken to the gas chambers and exterminated. Only a few months earlier, on 16 May 1944, the detainees of the “Gypsy camp” had refused to...

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Human Rights Comment

Time to debunk myths and prejudices about Roma migrants in Europe

16/07/2015 Strasbourg

Political and media debates on Roma migration have become recurrent in several European countries. Since the eastward expansion of the European Union in 2004 and 2007, and the lifting of employment restrictions regarding Romanian and Bulgarian citizens in a number of EU member states in 2014,...

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Human Rights Comment

Inclusive education vital for social cohesion in diverse societies

05/05/2015 Strasbourg

Public debates on the need to ensure more inclusive education for children and young adults who face social exclusion in diverse societies have recently rekindled in Europe. Evidence shows that in many European states the dropout rate of children coming from migrant families or minority groups,...

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Human Rights Comment

Governments should act in the best interest of stateless children

15/01/2013 Strasbourg

Citizenship is the “right to have rights”. Without citizenship, one lacks not only political rights, but often social and economic rights as well. On a symbolic level, citizenship implies being a full member of a national community, and even further, of humanity. Hundreds of thousands of persons...

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Human Rights Comment

Stop chasing Roma. Start including them.

22/11/2012 Strasbourg

Evictions of Roma are on the rise in Europe In recent years, the situation of Roma has been largely debated in Europe. However, this attention for the situation of the most discriminated minority in Europe has not been matched by much concrete action by governments. European countries continue...

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Human Rights Comment

States must take resolute measures to end school segregation of Roma

08/11/2012 Strasbourg

Roma children are experiencing segregated and substandard education in the school systems in the majority of the 47 Council of Europe member states. The consequences are devastating. It makes it very hard for these children to escape poverty and marginalisation later on in life. Non-integration...

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Human Rights Comment

The right to leave one’s country should be applied without discrimination

22/11/2011 Strasbourg

Strong measures have been taken by the Macedonian authorities to prevent citizens from travelling to EU countries - and seeking asylum there. The numbers doing so have gone up considerably since the EU agreed that people in Balkan countries would no longer require visas to enter EU territory....

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