Ministries, parliaments, civil society, public and private partners, schools and professionals working with children and the public at large are invited to mark the European Day. They can hold any kind of initiatives such as :  local, regional and national roundtables, lectures, parliamentary discussions, school debates, social media initiatives and many more. The Day is also an opportunity to publish new products, reports or materials*.

Council of Europe

Video statement by Mr Marko Grdosic, Chair of the Council of Europe Advisory Council on Youth (in English) (in Croatian)
Video statement by Ms Anja Olin Pape, Vice Chair of the Council of Europe Advisory Council on Youth (in English) (in Swedish)

Steering Committee on Media and Information Society (CDMSI)


On the occasion of the European Day on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, the CDMSI joins and wishes to express its full support for the Council of Europe’s activities aimed at raising awareness of and preventing such crimes against children. The CDMSI is firmly convinced that media and digital literacy are essential not only to protect children but also to empower them in exercising their right to privacy, to express themselves and to participate in society. In this spirit, the Committee duly drafted the Recommendation Rec(2006)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on empowering children in the new information and communications environment. The CDMSI has further contributed by drafting the Council of Europe’s Guide to Human Rights for Internet Users, which is an enabling tool for children to understand and exercise their rights in the online environment. The CDMSI will continue to pay due attention to children’s protection and empowerment in all its activities within its remit.

Member states



 ce, Armenia (in Armenian)





Video statement by Mr Stefan Schennach, Austria, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in German)


ECPAT Austria is organizing the Action Day "Don't Look Away! – also while travelling! Children’s Rights and Child Protection concern us all!”. Students of tourism schools will present and perform creative awareness raising actions at some of the main railway stations. The objective is to sensitise passengers on sexual abuse and exploitation of children and motivating them to report cases to the Austrian reporting website ( In addition to that, in November and December 2016, the Austrian Railways will display 380 posters on main Austrian railway stations. The key message of the poster is: "Look closely - even when you travel! Report sexual exploitation of children".




On the occasion of the second edition of the European Day, the Austrian Parliament organised a presentation of a new book for 3-6 year-olds called the "on-line zoo", together with ISPA (Internet Service Providers Austria).   




Video statement by Ms Sevinj Fataliyeva, Azerbaijan, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in Azerbaijani)


A discussion with children "STATUS ONLINE: threats and prevention" was organised by the Member of the Parliamentary Assembly, Ms Sevinj Fataliyeva.



Video statement by Ms Jeyran Arif Rahmatullayeva, Chief of Staff of the State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic (SCFWCA) (in Azerbaijani)



The State Committee on Family, Women and Children Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic (SCFWCA) has translated Council of Europe materials in Azerbaijani. On 18 November, a meeting with children and UNICEF was organised. On 21-22 November community seminars in regional Family Support Centers were held. On 19 november a TV programme was broadcasted and on 22 November a radio programme was aired.








An event was organised in the Parliament to mark the 2nd edition of the European Day promoted by the National Commission for the promotion of the rights and protection of children and young people.


Russian Federation


Video statement by Ms Antonina Dashkina, Vice-President of the Conference of the INGOs of the Council of Europe (in Russian)


Video statement by Ms Valentina Syrova, Chair of the Arkhangelsk City Council, Russian Federation (in Russian)



  San Marino

Communiqué adopted by the San Marino authorities on the occasion of the European Day:


Video statement by Ms Kristina Pardalos, Judge, European Court of Human Rights  (in Italian)



The Office of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs of the Republic of San Marino adapted the video "Tell Someone You Trust" in Italian and on the occasion of the European Day it was aired on the Emittente Radiotelevisiva Sammarinese.




Video statement by Ms Dusica Davidovic, Councillor in City Assembly of Niš, Serbia (in Serbian)



  Slovak Republic


The National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children at the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family has encompassed promotion of the European Day, in particular through:




Video statement by Ms Martina Vuk, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia (in English) (in Slovenian)



The Government Communication Office of the Republic of Slovenia has adapted the video “Tell Someone You Trust” in Slovenian, and the version sign language – Slovenian. The Slovenian National Broadcaster has broadcasted the video starting from Friday November 11. The sign language version of the video will be posted also on the National Broadcaster website dedicated to people with disabilities.


On 18 November, the Slovenian Association Against Sexual Abuse organised an event in the centre of Ljubljana where the Slovenian version of the video “Tell Someone You Trust” was screened on their stand.




Video statement by Ms Carmen Quintanilla, Spain, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in Spanish)



Video statement by Mr Jordi Xuclà, Spain, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in Spanish)



The Federation of Associations for the Prevention of Child Abuse (FAPMI) organises its XIIIth Congress (Murcia, 15-19 November 2016). The Congress  will celebrate the European Day and will contribute to reflections in devoting several debates on prevention and elimination of sexual violence against children.  A call to mobilisation of professionals, institutions and local authorities will be launched to the participants and their networks.





Video statement by Mr Markus Wiechel, Sweden, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (in Swedish)





Video statement by Ms Yasemen Çelik, Member of the Provincial Council of Adana, Turkey (in Turkish)





NGO La Strada organised an exhibition of drawing made by children on the occasion of the European Day. The leaflet on the European Day was translated into Ukrainian by La Strada with support of British Embassy, 5000 copies were printed and distributed.


United Kingdom


Video statement by Mr Geraint Davies, United Kingdom, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 





Other partners


Office of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children

Video statement by Ms Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children



United Nations Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography

Video statement by Ms Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography 



European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Video statement by Dr Astrid Podsiadlowski, Head of Sector on Rights of the Child, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 



eNASCO/ Child Focus

Video statement by Mr Miguel Torres Garcia, Chief Operation Officer, eNASCO/ Child Focus, Brussels, Belgium



Internet Watch Foundation

Video statement by Mr Kristof Claesen, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Internet Watch Foundation




The French version of “Tom’s Secret”, a short video animation for parents and  children, will be launched on the occasion of the European Day. The video was written by child sexual abuse experts, and it is an initiative of L. RAPHAEL GENEVE and the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel. Initially produced in Hebrew, it was then adapted into English, French and Russian.



Missing Children Europe

Video statement by Ms Federica Toscano, Project Officer, Missing Children Europe



SOS Children's Villages International

Video statement by Mr Ronan Mangan, EU Policy Advisor, EU Liaison Office, SOS Children's Villages International



ECPAT International
Video statement by Mr John Carr, ECPAT International, London, United Kingdom




Global Survivors' Forum

organised by ECPAT and hosted by the Council of Europe

On 18 November ECPAT International convened a global forum for adult survivors of childhood sexual exploitation. The Forum was hosted by the Council of Europe in the Headquarters in Strasbourg.


* The Council of Europe declines to accept any responsibility over the content of the external sites representing projects and activities in individual member states and elsewhere, as the Council of Europe has no control over these sites. The information which they contain may not necessarily be complete, exhaustive, accurate or up to date. Any views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the Council of Europe.


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