First meeting of the newly established Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics

14 May 2024 The Hague

On 14 May, the first plenary meeting of the newly established Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (ADI-SOGIESC) convened in The Hague. During the session, the committee elected Yuri de Boer (the Netherlands) as...

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2024 European IDAHOT+ Forum: “The Future of Freedom and Equality in Europe”

8 May 2024 The Hague

The 2024 edition of the European IDAHOT+ Forum under the theme of “The Future of Freedom and Equality in Europe” will take place on 15 May 2024, in The Hague. This much-anticipated annual gathering, bringing together representatives of member States, international organisations and civil...

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HELP international course launch and conference on LGBTI persons in the asylum procedure, 4 December 2023

30 November 2023 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe SOGI Unit and the HELP Secretariat, in partnership with the UNHCR and the EUAA, are organising the HELP international course launch and conference on LGBTI persons in the asylum procedure on 4 December 2023, from 9:00 to 18:00 CET. The event will be held in hybrid format and...

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Taking the pulse: A Prescription for Equality and Enhanced Healthcare Access for LGBTI people in Europe

24 November 2023 Strasbourg

Taking a stride towards healthcare equality, the Council of Europe’s SOGI Unit organised a European Roundtable on Advancing Healthcare Access for LGBTI people, on 15 November 2023, which marked the cumulation of ongoing efforts and its commitment to address health inequalities faced by the LGBTI...

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European Roundtable on Advancing Healthcare Access for LGBTI People in Europe, 15 November

7 November 2023 Strasbourg

This year's review examines the gaps between Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 and national legislation, policy, and implementation, as well as their practical impact on access to healthcare for LGBTI individuals. The aim is to collect promising practices and learn from successful initiatives that...

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New report sheds light on the persistent challenges in combating SOGIESC-based hate crime in Europe

4 October 2023 Strasbourg

A new report by the Council of Europe’s Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity, and Inclusion (CDADI) focuses on hate crimes based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) and presents 12 recommendations to Council of Europe member states...

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ECRI publishes new General Policy Recommendation to combat intolerance and discrimination against LGBTI persons

28 September 2023 Strasbourg

As LGBTI people still experience high rates of discrimination and abuse, including violence, due to their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe today published a...

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One year since Southeast EuroPride in Belgrade - ‘Reflection about the human rights situation of LGBTQI+ people’

30 June 2023 Belgrade, Serbia

The global Pride Month of June was concluded today in Belgrade with a panel discussion supported by European Union and Council of Europe, on the human rights situation of LGBTQI+ people in Serbia, one year since Belgrade hosted for the first time the Southeast EuroPride 2022, an event which left...

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Lesbian Visibility Week: 24-26 April

21 April 2023 Strasbourg

On the occasion of International Lesbian Visibility Day, which is celebrated on 26 April, a series of activities are organised under the Icelandic Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, jointly with the Council of Europe’s SOGI Unit, the Parliamentary Assembly's...

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11 May, Reykjavík, Iceland

European IDAHOT+ Forum 2023: Taking Stock of the Progress of LGBTI Rights in Europe

13 April 2023 Strasbourg

The 2023 edition of the European IDAHOT+ Forum of the European Governmental LGBTI Focal Points Network (EFPN) will take place on May 11th, 2023, in Reykjavík, Iceland. This year’s Forum is hosted by the Government of Iceland under their Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, and is organised...

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