Promoting human rights and equality for LGBTI persons
Project Description
This project aims to promote and protect the human rights of LGBTI persons by supporting the development and implementation of legislation and policy in the member states to combat discrimination and violence on the grounds of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), as well as foster the inclusion and equal access to rights and opportunities for LGBTI persons in European societies.
The project will seek to address cultural and societal factors that create obstacles towards the adherence to human rights standards on the grounds of SOGIESC. To this end, the project will provide tailor-made technical assistance to member states to align with the relevant Council of Europe treaties and other relevant standard-setting instruments, drawing on the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights and Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity, and the forthcoming Recommendation on the equality of rights of intersex people (subject to adoption by the Committee of Ministers) as well as findings and recommendations of the Council of Europe’s monitoring bodies, in particular the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). The project will cooperate with a range of stakeholders, including intergovernmental institutions and networks, public authorities, academia and civil society actors.
Key Objectives
- Reinforcing institutional, legal and policy frameworks to combat discrimination and violence on SOGIESC grounds, and provide assistance to victims of such discrimination and/or violence, by providing expertise on legislative and policy development, as well as building the capacities of national institutions, including law-enforcement officials, prosecutors, and the judiciary.
- Promoting awareness-raising and communication campaigns across diverse online and offline platforms (e.g. conferences, events and social media), including research activities on intersectional SOGIESC issues;
- Mapping and sharing good practices and policies among member states through peer-to-peer exchanges on all themes of the CM/Rec(2010)5, hate crime and hate speech, human rights challenges faced by intersex persons, impact of crises events on LGBTI persons and alternatives to anti-gender, gender-critical and anti-rights narratives.
Project Activities
- Provision of technical assistance to member States for the execution of the ECtHR judgments via the development of legislation and policy and the adoption of National Action Plans to prevent and redress discrimination on grounds of SOGIESC.
- Ensure that the multi-stakeholder European coalition and the alternative and counter narrative tools developed through the EU/CoE Joint Project, Combating anti-LGBTIQ violence and hate speech and strengthening awareness-raising and fact-based narratives about LGBTIQ persons also benefit states which are not members of the EU.
- Peer-to-peer exchanges and sharing of good practices via the SOGI Unit “Knowledge hub” to foster the implementation of Council of Europe standards on SOGIESC equality.
- Assistance in addressing the impact on the human rights of LGBTI persons in crisis situations at national and international level and in those circumstances where human rights defenders are at risk, to prevent further backsliding, and to effectively promote full respect for the rights of LGBTI people and democratic values.
- Assistance in activities with a specific focus on the areas of asylum, employment, sport, health, education, and youth.
- Guidance and capacity building of national authorities and civil society organisations in combating hate speech targeting LGBTI persons and in developing counter narratives to hate speech on SOGIESC grounds.
- Training of Trainers with representatives of national and regional public authorities (judiciary, police and prosecutors) and advice on incorporating the Council of Europe training module on SOGIESC-based violence and hate crime in the regular training curricula.
- Training based on Council of Europe tools to representatives of national institutions and other stakeholders with responsibilities in the asylum-seeking process.
- Identification of and exchange of good practices on SOGIESC legislation and policies bringing together government representatives, partners from intergovernmental institutions and international LGBTI civil society organisation.
- Annual multi-stakeholder flagship event bringing together international and European policymakers, civil society organisations, academia, business, etc. for the occasion of IDAHOT (17 May).
- Research and thematic laboratory to advance on the emerging or invisible issues that fall outside the scope of, complement, or inform, the deliverables of the Committee of Experts on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (ADI-SOGIESC).
- Awareness raising campaigns and events aiming to reduce LGBTI-phobic ideologies and to build societies that are more supportive of legal and policy initiatives that ensure respect for the human rights of LGBTI persons.
Progress in the area of non-discrimination and equality of LGBTI persons across Council of Europe member States is often slow and uneven and calls for consistent action focusing on building trust with governments, reinforcing strategic partnerships with civil society organisations, and creating political and institutional synergies with other international and national stakeholders.
This is particularly relevant in a European environment marked by an increase in intolerance and continued real-life discrimination against LGBTI people, where concerted efforts by opportunistic and anti-human rights political movements oppose progress in this field.
The issues which need to be addressed encompass the full range of human rights as covered by the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter, and specified in the CM/Rec (2010)5. In this context, a project of actions providing support, expertise, training, tools and resources is required so that the needs of LGBTI persons in Europe for non-discrimination and equality are met. The project will also ensure that tools, resources and activities financed through the EU-CoE Joint Project on Combating anti-LGBTIQ Violence and Hate Speech and Strengthening Awareness-Raising and Fact-Based Narratives about LGBTIQ Persons can also benefit non-EU member States avoiding a two-speed Europe.
Member States; National, Regional and Local Authorities; CSO’s and INGO’s; Intergovernmental Organisations; Faith Based Organisations;
End Beneficiaries
LGBTI Persons
48 Months – January 2024 to December 2027