Retour Consultative Council of European Prosecutors: Concept, Functioning and Tasks – new practical guide from the Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Council of Europe Programme "Promoting a Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in the Republic of Moldova" (Component 1) has published a guide that provides an overview of the activity of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE). The guide was developed by Mr Antonio Vercher Noguera, President of the CCPE.

The Guide describes the activity, functions and tasks of the CCPE and includes a compilation of the opinions prepared by the CCPE with special reference to those more representative regarding the subject matter they regulate.

The CCPE Guide is designed to assist legal professionals and practitioners in improving their practices related to the implementation of recommendations provided by the Committee of Ministers for the Members States of the Council of Europe on matters that concern human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The Guide is available in English and Romanian:

The Council of Europe’s Consultative Council of European Prosecutors: Concept, Functioning and Tasks

Consiliul Consultativ al Procurorilor Europeni al Consiliului Europei: Concept, Funcționare și Responsabilități

This guide was produced with the financial support of Norway within the framework of the Council of Europe Programme "Promoting a Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in the Republic of Moldova".

Chisinau 12 February 2021
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