National Action Plan

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View the (Revised) National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights


Main Coordinating Authority

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights (CIDU)

Drafting Process

The Italian National Action Plan was adopted in 2016, with a revised edition published in 2018 following a mid term review.

During the drafting process an ad-hoc Working Group was established, coordinated by CIDU and composed of representatives of several ministries and institutions. A series of multistakeholder consultations were held with experts, business representatives, trade unions and non-governmental organisations; and a draft was published online for a public consultation.

National Baseline Assessment

In 2013 the Italian OECD National Contact Point, hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development, commissioned a research project from the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) in Pisa to examine the Italian regulatory and institutional framework in relation to the international standards set out in the UNGPs. The project concluded with a final report which included recommendations for the drafting of the National Action Plan.


Main Priorities / Focus areas in the Action Plan

Six priority areas are identified in the plan:

  1. Promoting human rights due diligence processes, aimed at identifying, preventing and mitigating the potential risks, with a particular focus on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s).
  2. Tackling illegal employment (caporalato) in the agricultural and construction sector, and other forms of exploitation, forced labour, child labour, slavery and irregular work, with particular focus on migrants and victims of trafficking.
  3. Promoting fundamental labour rights in the international sphere of business enterprises, with particular regard to the global production processes.
  4. Strengthening the role of Italy in human rights-based international development cooperation.
  5. Tackling discrimination and inequality and promoting equal opportunities.
  6. Promoting environmental protections and sustainability.

The plan sets out a statement on Italy's expectation towards businesses, and subsequently highlights a number of the UNGPs, primarily from Pillars I and III, where it details the relevant existing policies, legislative initiatives and implementing measures; alongside planned measures for each principle.

The plan specifically highlights the strong interconnection between business and human rights issues and corporate social responsibility, but clarifies that the two policy areas have been dealt with in two different National Action Plans.

Monitoring and Review


The Working Group on Business and Human Rights (GLIDU) established within the CIDU and composed of all the administrations represented in the CIDU, will supervise implementation of the NAP, and coordinate the monitoring activities while proposing modifications and/or revisions of the measures foreseen in the plan.

 The GLIDU also works jointly with a consultative body composed of all relevant non-institutional stakeholders  such as business community, trade unions, NGOs, civil society organizations, human rights defenders, individual experts and representatives from academia.


In 2018, the GLIDU conducted a mid-term review to assess the results achieved and identify the gaps in the actions undertaken to ensure the effective protection and advancement of human rights with regard to economic activities.

Italy 2016 - 2021
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