Factsheet - Achieving Gender Mainstreaming in all policies and measures (2016)

Gender Equality and the Media at National Level - Compilation of good practices from member states (2014)

Manual Supporting Gender Equality Rapporteurs (GERS) in their Role (2016)

Handbook on the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on gender equality and media

Compilation of good practices to promote an education free from gender stereotypes and identifying ways to implement the measures which are included in the Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation on gender mainstreaming in education (Bilingual doc) (2012)

Handbook on good practices Gender Equality in Sport - Croatian (2011)

Study on "Combatting Stereotypes in Education" CDEG (2011)16

Gender Budgeting – Practical Implementation - Handbook CDEG(2008)15 (2008)

Gender Budgeting EG-S-GB (2004) RAP FIN - Armenian - Macedonian

Promoting Gender Mainstreaming in Schools EG-S-GS (2004)RAP FIN

Gender Mainstreaming: practice and prospects EG (1999)13

Gender Mainstreaming conceptual framework, methodology and presentation of good practices - Final Report of Activities of the Group of Specialists on Mainstreaming - EG-S-MS (98)2 rev

Gender Mainstreaming - Presentations

Compilation of Gender training courses and related resources

More contributions

Includegender.org: a Swedish national resource for gender equality and gender mainstreaming. The portal offers information and news about gender equality as well as practical examples and concrete tools for gender equality work.