The publications and information materials on the Council of Europe standards and their implementation are very useful tools to monitor progress and compliance with benchmarks and standards in the area of gender equality.
Such publications include compilations of good practices, studies and information documents concerning the key areas of work of the Council of Europe in relation to gender equality: combating gender stereotypes and sexism, combating violence against women, ensuring women’s equal access to justice, achieving the balanced participation of women and men in decision-making and implementing a gender mainstreaming strategy.
Gender Equality
Combating gender stereotypes and sexism
Study on the places of men and boys in women’s rights and gender equality policies, Gender Equality Commission, Council of Europe, 2021
Brochure: Sexism: See it, Name it, Stop it! (2020)
Parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassement, PACE (2019)
Report of the Council of Europe February 2016 seminar on “Combating sexist hate speech (2016)
Background Note on Sexist Hate Speech (2016)
Report of the Conference "Combating Gender Stereotypes in and through Education" 9-10 October 2014 Full version - Abridged version (2015)
Handbook on the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on gender equality and media (2015)- Azerbaijani version
Compilation of key challenge and good practices on gender equality and the media at national level (2014)
Media and the Image of Women - Report of the Conference of Council of Europe Network of National Focal Points on Gender Equality (2013)
Women and Journalists First - A challenge to media professionals to realise democracy in practice, quality in journalism and an end to gender stereotyping (Portuguese version) (2013)
MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport - Gender Issues - Equality in the Media - Guide for Journalists (EU and Council of Europe joint project) (2012)
Compilation of good practices on gender equality in education (2012)
Preventing and combating violence against women
Collection of papers on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
Administrative Data Collection expert report on violence against women and domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Annex to BiH Data Collection report (2019)
Overview of Studies on the Costs of Violence against Women and domestic Violence (2012)
Recommendation Rec (2002) 5 of the Committee of Ministers on the Protection of Women against Violence:
- Analytical study of the results of the 4th round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 (2014)
- Analytical study of the results of the third round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec (2002)5 (2010)
- Analytical study of the results of the second round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec (2002)5 (2008)
- Analytical study on the effective implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against women violence in Council of Europe member states (2007)
Collection of documents on Istanbul Convention and some of its articles
Infographics on the Istanbul Convention (2020) ENG / FRA / AZE / ELL / HYE / KAT / RON / RUS / SPA / SQI / SRP / TUR / UKR
Brochure on the Istanbul Convention (2020) ENG / FRA / AZE / ELL / HYE / KAT / RON / RUS / SPA / SQI / SRP / TUR / UKR
Gender-Based asylum claims and non-refoulement: Articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention (2019)
Preventing Violence Against Women Through Formal and Informal Education: Article 14 of the Istanbul Convention (2022)
Questions and answers on the Istanbul Convention (2018)
Implementing Article 10 of the Istanbul Convention – establishing national co-ordinating bodies (2016)
Ensuring data collection and research: Article 11 of the Istanbul Convention (2016)
Prevention of violence against women: Article 12 of the Istanbul Convention (2014)
Raising awareness of violence against women: Article 13 of the Istanbul Convention (2014)
Domestic and sexual violence perpetrator programmes: Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention (2015)
Encouraging the participation of the private sector and the media: Article 17 of the Istanbul Convention (2016)
Emergency barring orders in situations of domestic violence: Article 52 of the Istanbul Convention (2017)
Safe from fear, safe from violence - Stalking
HELP online course on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (2017)
Thematic Factsheet: The Istanbul Convention:An instrument to promote greater equality between women and men (2013)
Guaranteeing the equal access of women to justice
Factsheet:Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice (2016)
Women's access to justice: a Guide for Legal Practioners (2018)
Training Manual for Judges and Prosecutors on Ensuring Women’s Access to Justice (September 2017) (ARM / ENG / GEO / ROM / RUS and UKR) consists of a general part, and is accompanied by four country chapters available in English and the respective language of each country:
- Country Chapter for Armenia: ARM and ENG
- Country Chapter for Georgia: GEO and ENG
- Country Chapter for the Republic of Moldova: ROM and ENG
- Country Chapter for Ukraine: UKR and ENG
Country Studies on Barriers, Remedies and Good Practices for Women’s Access to Justice (August 2017): ARM / AZE / GEO / ROM / UKR
European Court of Human Rights Factsheet on Domestic Violence (January 2018) - ARM / AZE / ENG / GEO / RUS / UKR
Compilation of case law of the European Court of Human Rights on Gender Equality Issues (2019)
Report of the Conference "Towards Guaranteeing Equal Access to Justice for Women" Bern (2015)
Feasability Study on Equal Access of Women to Justice (2013)
Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights in the field of Equality between Women And Men (2006)
Achieving the balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Balanced Participation of Women and Men in Decision Making - Analytical report - 2016 data (2017)
Regional Organizations, Gender Equality and the Political Empowerment of Women, IDEA (2017)
Report on the Methods of nomination of candidates within political parties, Venice Commission, Council of Europe (2015)
Parity democracy - A far cry from reality: Comparative study on the results of the first and second rounds of monitoring of Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2003)3 on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making (2009)
Sex-disaggregated statistics on the participation of women and men in political and public decision-making in Council of Europe member states:
Proceedings of the Seminar on Women in Diplomacy (2004)
Parental Leave in Council of Europe member states (2004)
Genderware – the Council of Europe and the participation of women in political life (2003)
Women’s individual voting rights a democratic requirement ISBN 92-871-5040-0 (2003)
Women in politics in the Council of Europe member states: Information document (2002)
Good Practices to achieve gender-balanced representation in political and social decision-making (2001) , Non official translations : Albanian / Bulgarian / Hungarian / Macedonian / Romanian / Slovenian
Positive action in the field of equality between women and men: Final Report of Activities of the Group of Specialists on Positive Action in the field of Equality between Women and Men (EG-S-PA) (2000)
Migrant and refugee women and girls
- Gender-Based asylum claims and non-refoulement: Articles 60 and 61 of the Istanbul Convention, 2019
- Key Recommendations-factsheet on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls, 2019
- Factsheet on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylym-seeking women and girls, 2019
- Protecting migrant women, refugee women, and women asylum-seekers from gender-balanced violence, 2019
Promoting gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures in the Council of Europe
For information and documents related to gender mainstreaming activities within Council of Europe organs and institutions, please visit the gender mainstreaming thematic page.
Council of Europe Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Co-operation Projects – providing knowledge, guidance and tools on how to integrate gender a gender perspective at all stages of the project life cycle (fill the form to download document), (2019)
Handbook for Gender Equality Rapporteurs - Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming in practice (2018)
Gender Budgeting – Practical Implementation - Handbook, Armenian - Croatian - French - Greek - Icelandic - Macedonian - Slovenian, (2008)
Final report of the Group of specialists on Gender Budgeting (2004), Armenian - Macedonian
Final report of the Group of Specialists on Promoting Gender Mainstreaming in Schools (2004)
Handbook on good practices on Gender Equality in Sport, (2001), Croatian